Two years later

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It's been a few years, I'm 6 now. My sister and Jonah ended up getting married so him and his sister Amara moved in with us. Amara is a bit older then me, she's 14 and she hates going to the doctor just as much as I do. My sister and Jonah have been talking and are thinking of having Amara be Brynn's patient instead to see if it makes her a bit more comfortable. Brynn and Jonah opened up there own practice together with there nurses Layla and Lily. We haven't really been bugged about going to the doctor but both me and Amara know it's coming very soon.

"Girls can you come down for a bit we need to talk" my sister called up the stairs to the bedroom.

Me and Amara looked at each other having a feeling what it was about before going downstairs.

"Perfect, girls I was looking at your files and it looks like both of you are due for physicals and blood draws so I went ahead and booked those in for today" Brynn said

"Blood draw" I whimper

"It'll be ok hun it won't hurt ok" she said

I had never had a blood draw before and just the thought of it panicked me a lot.

"A am I with you or my brother" Amara asked nervously

"You'll both be with me hun" my sister replied softly

We both looked really panicked and I was really close to a breakdown

"Girls your going to be ok I won't hurt you" Brynn said as Jonah walked in

"You guys look like you've just seen a ghost" he joked

"I told them about there physicals" Brynn said

"Oh that explains it, you girls will be fine she'll be gentle and you guys have nothing to worry about" Jonah said

"And Amara please don't act out, be nice please" he added

"She won't be that bad will she" Brynn asked with a soft smile trying to brighten the mood

"I mean she punched and kicked me the last time, maybe it's best I come with you guys" Jonah said

"Amara you'll behave for me won't you" Brynn asked making her nod hesitantly

"I'll still come I don't trust her" Jonah replied making Brynn nod.

We left the house and went straight to Brynn's office. I was starting to not feel great cause of my nerves

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