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Hi, didn't notice you there. We have to be quiet my sister and Jonah have been looking for me and Amara for a hour now and haven't been able to find us. Amara is sick and I need shots and neither of us really wanted to go to the office. It's not that we were scared, well actually yeah we were scared. I wasn't sure where Amara was hiding but I was in my closet when I heard Brynn come into the room

"Izzy where are you we don't have time for this" Brynn sighed looking around my room

"I found Amara Brynn" Jonah called

"ok give me a minute still trying to find Izzy" she called back

Brynn opened my closet spotting me and gave me a sympathetic look

"Izzy what are you doing in there" she asked while picking me up

"I don't want shots Brynn" I whimper

"Isabelle why didn't you come talk to me instead of hiding in your closet" she asked

"You don't listen to me when I talk to you" I reply

"Well I'm sorry but I know how important these shots are and unfortunately I can't let you skip getting them" she said softly.

"But Brynn I can't" I whimper

"Yes you can Iz your braver then you think I promise it won't be as bad as you think it will, I'll be gentle and we can get them done quickly" she replied carrying me downstairs

"Lets go" Brynn said seeing Jonah tightly holding onto Amara's wrist

Instead of leaving the house we went to the basement which really confused us

"Brynn where are you going" I ask confusingly

"Well we thought it would be easier to get you girls to come into the basement rather then the office so we brought the office here instead" Brynn said opening the door to a room that used to be a spare bedroom.

"Woah" I say nervously

"Iz I think you should go first" Brynn said sympathetically

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