Amara & Jonah's flu shots

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"Amara do you want to go first" Brynn asked softly

"Not really" I say nervously

"It'll be ok I won't hurt you hun" she said encouragingly

"Can my brother go first" I ask hesitantly

"Amara she said she wants you to go first you'll be ok" Jonah said

"Fine" I whimper nervously before going over to the table.

"Your alright hun did you prefer when we did it in your thigh or what's the verdict" she asked softly

"Y yeah thigh" I reply hesitantly

"Alright go ahead and lay down for me then" she said softly before grabbing the tray.

I hesitantly laid down and she pulled me down so my legs were hanging off the table.

"Just remember to try and keep that upper half of your body still ok" she said softly as she came up right against my legs and cleaned one off.

I gave my brother a nervous look and he came over and held my hand giving it an encouraging squeeze

"Your being so brave Amara I'm so proud of you" Jonah said encouragingly

I shortly felt the needle quickly poke in. It wasn't that bad so I didn't react really till she took it out and put a bandaid on

"Perfect you did so good" Brynn said softly as she helped me sit up

"Thanks Brynn" I say jumping off the table

"No problem" she said with a soft smile


I wasn't too stressed about the flu shot as I didn't really expect it to hurt much so when Amara was done I didn't really have a issue sitting on the table. She cleaned off my arm and for some reason nerves spiked through my body

"Ok just a quick pinch just try and relax for me" Brynn said seeing how overwhelmed I got.

She poked it in my arm making me jump

"Sorry it's all done" she said as she took it out and put a bandaid on my arm.

I got off the table and I saw Izzy get very panicked, i felt bad cause I know giving her this flu shot will probably make her hate me

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