Another checkup?

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"Izzy I've already told you we have to go come on" Brynn called

"No" I cry

It went silent before I heard her coming up the stairs so I hid under my blankets.

"Izzy what is wrong with you today" she sighs

"I heard you on the phone with Layla last night you don't even work today" I whimper as she pulled the blanket off.

"Oh hun why didn't you approach me last night about it" she asked

"You were in doctor mode" I whimper

"Izzy you know I'll always talk about anything bothering you, but you need to come tell me when you do have something" she said

"I don't want a checkup" I cry

"Oh honey I know there not fun but they are important" she said

"Do you get them too" I whimper

"Of course I do, you can meet my doctor today" she said softly

"Ok" I whimper nervously

Because my sister technically wasn't working today she was in her own clothes instead of work ones

"Brynn will Layla be there" I ask nervously

"Oh, no princess you'll get to meet my other nurse instead" she said softly

This day was not going my way at all. I went downstairs with my sister before we left the house. After we left and we're already almost at the office I realized I forgot Ellie

"Brynn" I whine

"What is it hun" she asked pulling into the parking lot

"Ellie is on my bed" I whimper

"Oh honey do you think we can do this without Ellie today were already here" she said.

"Ok" I whimper nervously

"You'll be alright baby" she said sympathetically as we got out of the car and headed into her office.

Here goes nothing I guess

My sister my doctorWhere stories live. Discover now