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"Carson Carly Chloe come on we don't want to be late" our mom calls upstairs

"Ugh mom do we have to go to the doctor today" Carson calls back

"Yes now let's go" she called

I really wasn't wanting either so I understood Carson's point. We had just moved and I didn't feel comfortable going to a new doctor yet.

"Carly you coming" my mom called

"Yeah" I called back before going downstairs.

I'm Carly I live with my mom and 2 siblings Carson and Chloe. I'm 5 years old Carson is 10 and Chloe is 16. Our mom is a big health nut so right when she moved us here she booked us into some doctors office for checkups and none of us were really looking forward to it. We left the house and our mom drove us to the doctors office

"I bet your gonna need shots" Chloe fibbed

"No no shots..... mommm" I whine

"Chloe stop teasing, Carly I'm not sure if you're gonna need any so don't worry about that right now" she said pulling into the parking lot

We got out of the car and went into the office where we saw our cousin Brynn.

"Hey guys" she said giving us a soft smile

"Hi Brynn" our mom said on behalf of all of us

"You guys ready for your checkups" she asked softly.

We looked a bit confused looking at our mom

"Oh ya I forgot to mention that part, guys Brynn is your doctor" she said

"Brynn" I whimper nervously

"What's up hun" she asked kneeling in front of me

"Can I not get shots" I whimper

"Oh I'm not sure if you need any princess but if you do it'll be ok" she said sympathetically

"We're gonna do this one at a time who wants to come back first" she asked standing up.

We all looked at each other nervously not wanting to be first

"If no one volunteers I'm just going to pick" she states.

We still didn't reply and she turned over to Chloe

"Shall we go oldest to youngest" she asked

"Or youngest to oldest" Chloe whimpered in response

"I think I'd rather go oldest to youngest" Brynn replied with a sympathetic smile

My sister my doctorWhere stories live. Discover now