Amara's appointment

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I started struggling against my brothers grip trying to get him to let me go I really didn't want to do this.

"Amara stop fussing she won't hurt you" Jonah sighed sitting me on the table

I went to jump off but Brynn stopped me and sat me back up on it

"You'll be fine hun" she said softly

"So how we gonna do this are you going to tell me what's bothering you or are we gonna have to do a full checkup to find out" she asked

"My ears throat and stomach" I whimper nervously.

"Ok we'll go ahead and check your ears and throat first" she said grabbing her otoscope.

"I'd check her temperature too she's a bit clammy" Jonah added

"Ok I'll do that first" Brynn replied grabbing the thermometer.

She stuck it in my ear waiting for the beep before taking it out

"Yep you definitely have a fever" She said sympathetically as she grabbed the otoscope again and started looking in my ears

"We'll have to get you some ear drops for this ear as well" she said grabbing a tongue depressor

"Alright open for me hun" she said softly.

I nervously opened my mouth and she checked my throat

"Let's do a strep test just to be safe" she said making my brother go to the desk and grab a swab and a testing thing handing the swab to her.

"Just keep your mouth open try not to jerk away from me ya" she said softly as she put the otoscope down and grabbing the swab from my brother while keeping the tongue depressor in my mouth so I can't close it.

She swabbed the back of my throat making me gag and start coughing as she took it out and my brother went and stuck it in the test.

"I know that sucks I'm sorry" she said sympathetically giving me a cup of water.

I drank it stopping my coughing from the test happy it was done

"Ok while we wait for those results lay on down for me we'll check that stomach and give you a fever reducer" she said softly.

I laid down and she pulled my shirt up to reveal my stomach. I was very nervous it was going to hurt due to the fact my stomach already hurt but I didn't say anything. She immediately started pressing down on my stomach making me wince at the feeling.

"I'm going to be feeling your organs just to make sure the pain isn't anything serious so I am going to be pressing a bit harder just a warning it may hurt a little bit more then it should considering your already in pain so just try and bare with me for a bit and I'll try and do this quickly" she warned sympathetically.

She started pressing harder making me whimper through the entire thing till she stopped. She pulled me to the end of the bed leaving my shirt up to expose my stomach before going to the desk and doing something she kept hidden as she came back over grabbing two alcohol wipes

"Please no shots" I whimper already knowing that's what this means

"It's ok all will be good hun I'm going to give you one to help your stomach feel better and another one to reduce that fever of yours, doing them this way makes them work so much faster then if I were to give you an oral medication" she said softly

Jonah came over and held my hands over my head making me look at him and whimper

"Your alright sis your doing so good better then me she'll do this quick and you'll be all done" he said softly

I felt Brynn wipe off my stomach and I immediately started squirming

"Hey hun it's ok I haven't done anything yet it's just the wipe I can't have you moving I don't want to poke you more then I already have to" she said sympathetically

I whimpered stopping squirming and she immediately poked the needle into my stomach making me cry out

"I know it's ok I'm sorry that one's done, just one more" she said sympathetically as she took it out and put a bandaid on my stomach pulling my shirt back down and wiping off my leg.

She positioned herself to be right up against my legs so I wouldn't kick her before poking in the next needle. This one didn't hurt so much so I tried to just breath through it till she took it out and put a bandaid on

"You did so well that's all done" she said softly as she let me sit up as she went and checked my strep test

"Good news is it's not strep you throats probably just sore cause of your ear infection so we'll get you some ear drops and some antibiotics to help that" she said softly

"Ok thanks Brynn" I reply jumping down.

I was just happy to be done

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