Other doctor

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We went inside the office and I knew no one here so I stayed pretty much attached to Brynn.

"Morning Brynn" the lady at the desk said giving my sister a small smile

"Morning Maya, Isabelle this is our offices other nurse Maya she'll be helping us today instead of Layla" my sister said softly

"Hi" I say nervously

"Aw hi hun" the lady replied softly

"Alright Izzy here's the plan for today hun, because I'm off today I'm gonna have my doctor do your checkup today, Maya is her assistant so just like what Layla did with you at your last appointment she's going to do the exact same alright" Brynn said

"Oh you hadn't told her yet" Maya asked

"No I didn't I kinda just got her here" she replied

"Brynn" I whimper nervously

"It's ok I'll be there with you the entire time" she said

Another lady came out giving us a soft smile

"Hey Bri, and this must be Isabelle" she said with a soft welcoming smile.

"Hey Nat and yes this is Isabelle. Izzy this is Nat she's the other doctor here" my sister said softly as I hid behind her nervously

"Hi Isabelle" she said softly trying to get me more comfortable around her.

I waved still hiding behind my sister.

"How about we go get your height and weight and we'll get started here yeah, the sooner it's done the sooner you can leave" she said softly making me nod nervously.

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