Checkup prep

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Me and my sister followed Maya to the scale as Nat went behind the desk on the computer

"Alright hun can you take your shoes off and step up on the scale for me" she asked softly

I nervously looked at Brynn and she gave me a encouraging smile with a small nod.  I took off my shoes and stepped up on the scale. She wrote down my weight before having me turn around and checking my height finally letting me off as she wrote it down. I got my shoes back on and she brought us to a room.

"Alright do you want to sit on the table or your sisters lap" she asked softly.

I motioned up for Brynn to pick me up so she did and sat on the side with me in her lap

"Alright I'm just gonna take your temperature ok" Maya said softly kneeling in front of us.

I nervously nodded and she stuck the thermometer in my ear. She waited for the beep before taking it out and grabbing the blood pressure cuff. I immediately started crying making them both become sympathetic.

"Izzy she hasn't done anything to hurt you princess what's wrong" Brynn asked

"I don't like it" I cry

"The blood pressure cuff" she asked making me nod

"It'll be ok sweetheart it'll be over quick" Maya said encouragingly.

She put the cuff on my arm making me cry harder. Nat came in while Maya was trying to take my blood pressure.

"Hey hey hey honey it's ok your alright you have to calm down for us sweetheart, your blood pressure will be way too high and then we'll have to do it again and I'm sure you don't want to do that" Nat said.

I tried to calm down but it wasn't working at all.

"Ok Maya maybe let's not worry about blood pressure right now, she doesn't know us we don't wanna make this harder on her then it already is" Nat said taking the cuff off my arm making me curl up in my sisters lap.

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