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"Ok honey do you wanna come take a seat on the table for me" Nat asked softly making me shake my head

"Your sister can sit up there with you if you want" she replied

I looked up at Brynn and she gave me an encouraging smile

"It's alright princess she'll be very gentle I promise" Brynn said encouragingly

I whimpered but nodded anyways. My sister went and sat me on the table and gave me a soft smile when I looked up at her.

"Alright hun we're just going to take a quick listen to your heart and lungs" Nat said encouragingly as she put her stethoscope in her ears.

She listened to my heart before moving onto my lungs and putting her stethoscope back around her neck. I motioned over for Brynn to come pick me up so she came and sat beside me on the table. I crawled over sitting in her lap immediately

"Just going to check your ears sweetheart" Nat said softly before sticking the otoscope in my ear.

She went and checked the other ear as well before grabbing what looked like a popsicle stick

"Can you open your mouth for me sweetheart" she said softly making me open my mouth

She checked my throat and let me close it before grabbing the reflex hammer

"So we're going to check your reflexes first then I'm going to have you lay down" she said softly making me nod nervously.

She checked my reflexes making my legs kick before my sister stood up laying me down on the table. I whimpered looking up at her and she gave me a sympathetic smile

"Your alright princess" she said encouragingly

"Isabelle do you think we could try getting your blood pressure again" Nat asked softly

"W will it hurt" I whimper

"No of course not" she said softly

"Ok" I reply hesitantly

She put the cuff back around my arm and stuck her stethoscope under.

"If you need me to stop just let me know and I'll deflate it for you" she said encouragingly

She started making it tighter and I sat there whimpering the whole time

"We're almost done hun your doing so well" she said softly before deflating the cuff and taking it off.

"We're just gonna get a quick feel of your stomach then you can go back to your sisters lap for the last bit ok" she said.

"Ok" I say nervously

She started feeling my stomach and it felt really weird. I stayed still till she finished and let me sit up again. My sister came and sat beside me picking me up and sitting me in her lap. This whole thing made me very nervous I immediately started squirming

My sister my doctorWhere stories live. Discover now