Amara's checkup

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We went back into the exam room and I was actually very panicked

"Alright come back and sit on up here" Brynn said softly patting the table

I nervously went over and sat on it as Brynn grabbed the blood pressure cuff from behind me before putting it around my arm and sticking her stethoscope under. Without saying anything she started inflating the cuff making it go tighter.

"Brynn" I ask nervously

"Yes hun" she replied softly as she took the cuff off my arm

"Can you just tell my brother you did my checkup and we can go do something else instead" I ask nervously

"I'm so sorry hun but unfortunately I can't do that as a doctor I know how important checkups are and why you need it so we're going to go ahead and do it but we can go do something fun afterwards though" she said softly as she grabbed another tool from the wall.

"Do I at least not have to get shots" I ask nervously

"Oh um I mean Amara shots are part of keeping you healthy which is pretty much the whole part of a checkup so if your here anyways you may as well get any shots that are needed" she said sticking her otoscope in my ear.

She checked both my ears before swapping the tip of the otoscope

"Open and say ah for me" she said softly hovering the tongue depressor in front of my mouth.

I opened my mouth allowing her to check my throat before immediately closing it after she took the tongue depressor out of my mouth

"You doing alright" she asked grabbing the reflex hammer

"Y yeah" I reply hesitantly

"We're almost done" she said checking my reflexes

"Can you lay down for me real quick" she asked softly making me lay down.

She started feeling my stomach before letting me sit back up.

"So about this shot situation I do think we should get Layla in here so these shots now so there done and over with then we can go do something more fun" She said

"I don't think I want shots" I say nervously

"I know hun but I'll be gentle we'll try and do this nice and quick and it'll be done in no time" she said softly

"Can you do them with no one else around" I ask

"Oh uh I mean I could but remember the last time you were moving, if I do this with just me and you I can't have you move away from the needle that's my rule can you do that for me" she asked

"I can try" I say nervously

"We could do them on your thighs that way we can assure you stay still" she said

"Do they hurt more on the thigh" I ask nervously

"Um not really different people say different things" she said

"It's just if you want it just me and you then we need a for sure way you won't move away from the needle I don't want to have to poke you more then I already have too" she added

"Ok" I say nervously

"Wanna lay down for me" she asked

I laid down hesitantly and she pulled me towards the end of the bed so my legs were hanging off and she came up right against them.

"Alright just try and stay still yeah" she said softly as she wiped off both my thighs

"Brynn how many are there" I ask hesitantly

"Just two I'm just going to do one on each leg just so there not as sore later" she replied

I nervously looked up at the ceiling already dreading these shots. All I could think of was hoping I wouldn't kick her or something when she poked me.

"All done" She said softly as she put bandaids on my legs

"Oh that was it" I replied

"Yep that's it let's go do something more fun now" she said helping me sit up and I jumped off the table

We were able to leave and spent the rest of the afternoon in the arcade which was so much fun.

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