At the office

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"Alright Amara I'm thinking we'll start off with you" Brynn said

"Please no" I whimper backing up into a wall

"I'm not going to hurt you hun I'll be very gentle and we can get through this nice and quick" she said

"But but but it's going to hurt" I whimper

"Amara she's already said she won't hurt you knock it off" Jonah sighed

"No it's ok she's scared I understand that completely, can we just start off getting your guys heights and weights this is the easy part" Brynn said softly

Me and Isabelle nodded nervously. She went first on the scale before she was let off and Brynn wrote it down

"Alright Amara your up" she said giving me a soft smile

I hesitantly went over and stood on the scale. She had me turn around to check my height and wrote them both down while letting me off. We went into a room and my brother closed the door behind us

"Ok, Amara I would still like you to go first" Brynn said 

"Do I have too" I whimper

"Amara she wants you to go first so your going first stop this nonsense and go sit down" Jonah warned.

"Jonah your only gonna make this worse for her we have to go at her pace" Brynn said seeing how panicked I was

"Maybe I'll step out till your done I have some paperwork to do anyways I'll be here if you need me" Jonah replied before leaving the room closing the door again.

"Alright Amara we're going to take this in small steps ok why don't we do it this way how about both of you come sit up on the table" Brynn said softly.

Me and Isabelle looked at each other but both went and sat on the table beside each other. We were terrified

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