Chloe's checkup

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If there is one thing I hated the most, it's going to the doctor. When Brynn turned her attention towards me to go first I didn't know how to respond or what to do.

"Chloe, you know everything will be ok I'm not going to hurt you" Brynn said sympathetically as she saw me panicking

I hesitantly nodded and followed her back to a room with a scale on it

"We're gonna just get your height and weight first" she said softly

I nodded taking my shoes off and stepping on the scale. She checked my height and weight before letting me off and sticking a thermometer in my ear. She took that out and brought me back to a room closing the door behind us.

"Alright go ahead and sit on the table and we'll get started here" she said softly

I hesitantly went over sitting up on the table and she came over sticking the blood pressure cuff on my arm. She put her stethoscope on sticking the metal underneath the cuff and checking my blood pressure. She took the cuff off warming up her stethoscope in her hands as I noticed the tray of needles on her desk making me panic. She noticed and gave me a sympathetic smile

"Disregard those hun there nothing to worry about right now" she said softly

"Are they for me" I whimper

"Unfortunately yes but they aren't until the end of your checkup" she replied

I gulped nervously before she stuck her stethoscope on my chest listening to my heart before moving on to my lungs

"Deep breaths for me hun" she said softly

I hesitantly took deep breaths as she listened before taking it off and putting it around her neck. She grabbed her otoscope looking in my ears and nose before grabbing a tongue depressor

"Alright can you open your mouth for me hun" she asked softly.

I hesitantly opened my mouth and she checked my throat before letting me close it again.

"Can you lay down for me" She asked making me nod and oblige

She started checking my stomach making me whimper

"Your ok hun, am I hurting you" She asked sympathetically

"N no" I reply

She stopped letting me sit back up before checking my reflexes

"Alright, your doing so good hun the shots are the last thing we have to do, did you want me to have someone come hold your hand or do you think we can do this quickly ourselves" she asked

"Ourselves" I say nervously

"Ok that's fine" she said grabbing the tray and coming beside me

"I'm just going to clean your arm first it's only two so this should be nice and quick" she replied softly as she rolled up my sleeve and wiped off my arm

"Did you want me to warn you or just poke" she asked gripping onto my arm

"Warn me" I say nervously

"Ok we're going to go on the count of 3. 1,2,3" she said poking the first needle in making me whimper.

"Your ok one more" she said softly taking out the first one poking the second one in.

She took it out sticking a bandaid on my arm and helped me off the table

"That wasn't so bad hm" she asked with a soft smile

"Not really thanks Brynn" I say returning the smile.

We went back out and I sat with my mom as Brynn turned to Carson

"Alright bud you ready" she asked with a sympathetic smile

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