Isabelle's shots

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"Do I have to go first" I whimper hesitantly

"Yeah I'm sorry hun it won't be that bad though I'll be gentle and then it'll be all over" Brynn said sitting me on the table she had set up

Amara was struggling against Jonah's grip still sand I nervously curled up on the table and Brynn sighed.

"Girls you both know I'm not going to hurt you, Amara your sick I just wanna try and figure out what's going on so that I can help you feel better and Iz it's only going to be 2 shots 2 quick pokes and it's all over" she said sympathetically

"Izzy imma do these in your thigh Amara seems to do better when I do them this way so let's give it a shot can you go ahead and lay down for me" she asked

I hesitantly laid down and she pulled me to the end of the table so my legs were hanging off.

"Alright hun just the alcohol wipe no needle yet" she said cleaning off my legs

"Brynn you said 2" I whimper nervously

"Yep two I'm going to do one in each leg" she replied as she came up right against my legs to keep them from moving

"Just try and keep your upper body nice and still for me ok" she said softly as she uncapped the first needle and poked it in making me whimper

"I'm sorry almost done" she said taking it out and poking the second one in my other leg

She took that one out and stuck bandaids on my legs helping me sit back up again

"See that wasn't so bad now was it" she asked disposing of the needles

"I guess not" I reply jumping off the table

Amara's face went into pure fear when I was done knowing she was next

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