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"Hey hun your alright I need you to stay still for me" Nat said

"N no" I whine squirming

"Izzy, I've got you princess your going to be alright" Brynn said

"No no owies" I cry

"Oh, honey it's just 2 quick vaccines" Nat said sympathetically

"No owies" I cry

"How about your sister goes first" Nat asked making Brynn freeze

"W wait what" she said hesitantly

"Yeah you're due for a tetanus vaccine, you can show your little sister it doesn't hurt" Nat said with a sympathetic smile


I immediately was panicking and I knew for sure having me go first was only going to make things worse for Izzy.

"Brynn are you ok" Nat said

"I I shouldn't go first it's not the best idea" I said

"Come on Brynn, we go through this panic every time brave up and show your little sister you can be brave, I don't expect you to not react but try and show her it's not that bad and that it doesn't hurt that much or for that long" she said

"Well if I have to do that tetanus is the wrong one to be doing" I whimper

"Your ok it's alright, it's one tiny shot Brynn" she said

"It's not that simple to just hide fear Nat" I said nervously

"I know but your ok" she replied nodding at Maya making me immediately know what was happening and looking at her

"Brynn don't watch it's only going to make it worse" she said.

Izzy looked up at me and cuddled into my chest.

I looked back over at Nat and could feel my breathing good heavier

"Your alright" Maya said before wiping off my arm

I had my eyes shut tight to try and prevent any tears from escaping as Izzy was looking up at my face.

"Quick pinch" Maya warned before poking the needle into my arm making me wince

"All done" she said taking it out and putting a bandaid on my arm

I opened my eyes and took a breath of relief and Izzy was watching me nervously

"Maybe your sister wasn't the best example but the shot she got does sting a bit more then yours will hun" Nat said


Watching my sister get a shot was nerve wracking especially being up-to her chest I could feel how fast her heart was beating. I was very nervous now I started crying

"I don't know how to do this Brynn" Nat said

"Maybe just try to do both at once I'll try to hold her the best I can" my sister replied as she repositioned me in her lap and held both my arms crossed across my chest leaving my legs dangling.

"Ok that works" Nat said going to one leg as Maya went to the other

"Alright princess this is just going to be a bit cold" she warned before wiping off both of my legs

I nervously watched both of them as they both gripped onto my legs. I tried kicking but they were holding them too tightly.

"I'm sorry sweetheart we'll be done in no time just sit still" Nat said before they both nodded and poked the needles in my thighs making me cry out.

"It's ok princess" Brynn said kissing my forehead

"N n n i it hwurts" I cry

"I know I know it's ok there all done " she said as Nat and Maya took the needles out and put bandaids on my legs.

"You did so good princess" Brynn said softly picking me up properly as I cried into her chest

"I know I know it hurt I'm sorry" she said

We were finally able to leave and I was so happy to finally be getting out of there. Brynn brought me home and we had a relaxing rest of the day as I tried to calm myself down again

My sister my doctorWhere stories live. Discover now