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I kept squeezing Ellie as my sister took her stethoscope off her neck and stuck it in her ears

"Alright sweetheart I'm just going to take a quick listen to your heart and lungs" she said softly.

I nervously nodded and she placed the stethoscope on my chest. She listened to my heart before moving onto my lungs and having me take deep breath's as she listened before taking the stethoscope off and putting it back around her neck.

"Ok we're going to just go ahead and take a quick look at your eyes" she said softly grabbing another tool.

She checked my eyes before moving onto my ears nose and throat.

"Ok hun I'm just going to have you lay down for me real quick" she said softly.

I whimpered backing up.

"It'll be ok hun I just wanna feel your stomach quickly" she said

I nervously laid down and she immediately started pressing on my stomach. I didn't like it, I kept squirming till she finished and let me sit up.

"Ok sweetheart we're just gonna go ahead and check your reflexes then we'll talk about what's next ok" she said softly making Layla leave the room.

"W why did she leave" I whimper

"It's ok hun she just went to grab some things we need" she said softly grabbing the hammer from the desk.

She tapped my knees making me kick and she did the same with the other one.

"Alright so you are due for a couple shots so we're just going to go ahead and do them today" Brynn said

"I don't want shots" I whimper

"It'll be ok sweetheart I won't hurt you but it is important for you to get them" she replied.

"Brynn no" I whine as Layla came back with a tray

"It's not going to be as bad as you think it will princess" she said taking the tray from Layla.

I immediately jumped off the table and hid underneath it. I knew now she could just pick up the chairs but she can't pick up the table.

"Isabelle please come out, it won't hurt it's just going to be a couple quick pinches it'll be over before you know it" Brynn said softly.

"No" I cry.

"If you come out you can sit on Layla's lap" she said softly

I whimpered peeking my head out.

"That's a step, do you wanna come all the way out and we can get this over with" she said encouragingly.

I crawled out holding Ellie tightly as my sister picked me up and put me on Layla's lap.

"Ok hun I'm just going to wipe off your leg" she said.

Layla was holding my arms so I wouldn't try to grab them. Brynn wiped off my leg and grabbed the first shot off the tray uncapping it

"Alright I need you to stay nice and still for me ok" she said before poking it into my leg.

I immediately started squirming around and she did the rest of them trying to be quick. I cried myself through my 6 shots and my sister backed away letting me calm down.

"See your ok princess we're all done ok" Brynn said with a sympathetic smile

I whimpered motioning for her to pick me up which she did.

"Wanna go home" she asked making me nod.

We went home and had a pretty relaxing rest of the night watching movies. It was a pretty stressful day

My sister my doctorWhere stories live. Discover now