Caramel Arrow x New Watcher!Male!Reader

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[Ok, first request of the book! I'll admit, I haven't beaten world 14 in kingdom so I'm not 100% confident in my portrayal of how the Watchers work but I tried my best. Hope you enjoy!]


(Alright, you've just been accepted into the Watchers. You can't let everyone down.) You thought to yourself as you made your way towards the training grounds. It had taken years upon years of training, but you have finally become a Watcher, one of the honorable warriors of the Dark Cacao kingdom.

Today would only be to learn about and get used to your new life, but you still felt a mix of nervous and excited.

"Hey! You're our new Watcher aren't you?" You heard a voice call out as you entered the training grounds. You looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.

Suddenly, a figure jumped down onto the ground right in front of you, putting you on guard. It was a young woman, probably a year or two younger than you. She had black and brown hair tied back into a ponytail and wore a Watcher's uniform. In her hand was a black and white bow. One glance and you knew exactly who she was.

Caramel Arrow Cookie, the current First Watcher, and the youngest ever to receive that position.

"Yes, that's me." You replied, trying to keep a professional tone to your voice as you silently fanboyed a little. You've heard stories of how she travelled all over the kingdom, helping out those in need. Hell, she helped save your village from an incoming attack by the beasts that lived in the nearby forest. She was the one who inspired you to become a Watcher, and you aspired to be like her someday.

"Great. First of all I would like to personally congratulate you for making it into the ranks." She extended her free hand out to you. "I'm Caramel Arrow Cookie, First Watcher and the one who will be showing you the ropes."

"My name's Y/n Cookie, and it's an honor to be able to work with you."

"I could say the same. Now come with me, it's time to start your first day as a Watcher."

You followed Caramel Arrow as she made her way over to the Great Wall. As you did, you felt a great deal of pride sweep over you. All your training has accumulated to this moment, and Caramel Arrow Cookie herself was to be your mentor! You knew you had to give it your all in order to not let everyone down.

The months went by, and you did everything you could to prove yourself worthy of being a Watcher. The job was difficult, but you did your best no matter what task you were given.

Of course, Caramel Arrow played a massive role in helping you adjust. As your mentor, she taught you everything you needed to know as a Watcher, as well as being there in case you needed help.

Even outside of your duties as Watchers, you and Caramel Arrow had become close. The few days you two had off were spent together. Wether it be training, taking a walk, or simply hanging out, the two of you were always together.

This, combined with the admiration you already had for her, is probably what lead you to eventually fall in love with her.

You could still remember the day you confessed. It had been a particularly cold day, and the one of the few days both you and Caramel Arrow were off-duty. As per usual, the two of you decided to spend the day together.

You stood on a hill nearby the Black Citadel, waiting for Caramel Arrow to arrive. Just like your first meeting with her, you were nervous. You know she saw you as a close friend and comrade, but probably not anything more. What if she hated the idea of you two dating? You tried to push these thoughts from your mind, but your nerves persisted.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you heard footsteps coming up the hill. With a mix of excitement and nervousness, you turned your head to see Caramel Arrow arriving.

"Y/n! I hope I wasn't taking to long." She said as she headed over to you.

"It's fine Caramel. I wasn't waiting long." You replied. As she stopped right in front of you, you couldn't help but feel a large amount of shy nervousness. She was just so pretty, it made your heart start to quicken it's pace.

"So, you said you wanted to tell me something?" Caramel Arrow asked you.

"Y-yeah well..." You took a deep breath before locking eyes with her nervously. "I-I like you!"

Caramel Arrow looked a bit shocked by your sudden confession, but knowing there was no turning back now, you kept going.

"I actually have for quite a bit now. I heavily admired your leadership and courage even before I became a Watcher, and as I got to know you more, the more I started to fall for you."

"Y/n..." Without warning, Caramel Arrow put her hand on your cheek and looked up, straight into your eyes as well. "I also must admit. I've fallen for you too."

A soft smile formed on her face, and you could feel yourself start to blush as you graced her own cheek with your hand.

Together on the snowy hill, you both made a vow. To protect each other from harm, no matter the cost.

[Damn this was kinda bad-
And Caramel Arrow was kinda OOC I think I'm so sorry- TT]

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