(Lime) Red Velvet x Fem!Leonin!Reader

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[Oh boy my ass got lazyyyyyyy writing this.

And I keep forgetting to say thanks for 8k reads so uhhhhhh thanks for 8k reads.

Anyways, I don't got much else to say, just enjoy Red Velvet making out with a catgirl and see if you can tell where I got lazy.]



You hissed as you jumped up onto one of the higher ledges of the room. The Tower of Sweet Chaos was your boyfriend's home and base of operations, but does there really have to be so many cake hounds everywhere? You could barely take a few steps without at least one of them barking at you.

The small cake hound growled at you, and you hissed right back. It was a stand still as both of you prepared to pounce on each other at the first sight of danger.

Fortunately, this didn't come, as a familiar voice spoke sternly to you both.

"Chiffon! Y/n! What are you two doing?"

Both you and the cake hound, Chiffon, looked at him. Well, you looked at him, Chiffon ran up to muzzle against his leg.

"I think your dog hates me." You stated, staring right at Chiffon. "Every time it sees me it acts like I'm about to destroy the whole tower."

Red Velvet sighed and knelt down to pet Chiffon.

"I believe I've told you numerous times that my cake hounds are no mere dogs, and that Chiffon is not an 'it'. He is a 'he'."

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes. "Dogs are dogs to me. You know this."

"Yes, I know. But..." Red Velvet sighed and stood up. "Chiffon, go downstairs and play with the others."

Chiffon barked happily and ran downstairs, leaving you and your boyfriend alone in the room. You quickly jumped down from the higher ledge you were on.

"Your dogs really seem to hate me." You pouted. "And why would they do so anyways?! Don't they know who I am?! I'm-"

"-the descendant of well known Leonin warlords." Red Velvet finished for you, walking over to you. "I know. Perhaps that's why they see you as such a threat."

You pouted again. "If they see me as such a threat, then why do they keep barking at me? Surely they would cower in fear at someone who could so easily beat them."

Red Velvet chuckled and put his large cake arm around you. "Probably because you're too cute to be scary."

"I'm not 'too cute', I should be feared! Look at my claws! I could easily slice through anyone I ple-"

You were cut off by Red Velvet pressing his lips onto yours, making you blush wildly as the two of you kissed. He soon pulled away with a chuckle and a smirk, his regular cookie hand holding your cheek.

"Right. But at least in my eyes, you're my little kitten."

Red Velvet softly pet the top of your head, making you blush even more somehow. His touch made you melt, your body melting into his grasp as his cake arm was wrapped around your waist. Your tail started to wrap around his leg, making him chuckle under his breath.

"You're way too easy to fluster, you know that?" Red Velvet said softly, his cookie hand resting on your cheek, tilting your head up to look directly at him.

"Y-You're too much of a tease..." You replied with a pout, only to be met with another kiss.

"Only because you're so easy to tease..." Red Velvet's thumb moves to your lips, making your heart pound. He leaned in until your noses were touching, desire filling his eyes. You closed yours, letting him kiss you.

His lips pressed onto yours in a long, deep, passionate kiss. You felt his tongue slip into your mouth as you let out a soft groan in delight. He held you closer, making you let out a low purr in pleasure as he smothers you in more passionate kisses. You couldn't help but grab onto his jacket, sloppily trying to slip it off as he continued to kiss you, leaving little time for you to breathe before going in for another one.

He chuckled as he noticed you trying to strip off his jacket, and he did it for you, leaving him only in his slightly tight T-shirt. You couldn't help but try grabbing at his chest, and he let you, pulling you in closer until there was no space between you two. He continued kissing you, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth.

You melted into his embrace, letting the kiss continue and letting your tongues dance with each other. It felt good, so good. You wanted it to last forever.

And yet... all good things had to end. As your tail tightened around his leg, you both heard Red Velvet's phone go off, leading him to break the kiss and pull back. He took his phone out and checked to see who was calling.

"Ah, it's Pomegranate." Red Velvet said before turning back to you. "Sorry dear, I need to take this."

He continued to hold you in his cake arm as he took the call, not wanting to let you go just yet. You couldn't hear what Pomegranate was saying, only Red Velvet's short and blunt answers, but whatever it was sounded important.

"Alright, I understand." Red Velvet said after a few minutes before hanging up and turning to you again. "Pomegranate has a mission for me, I have to go."

"Aw..." You expressed with disappointment, clinging onto Red Velvet still. "Promise to be careful for me."

"Don't worry, I will." Red Velvet pick up his jacket from the floor and put it back on before giving you a kiss on your forehead. "I love you dear, don't ever forget that."

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