Licorice x Reader

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[I was feeling a shorter one this time around.

Yeah, this is kinda lazy, but I was a bit bankrupt for ideas so here we go.

Hope y'all enjoy.]


It's so dark, I can't tell where I've been. You thought to yourself, wondering if you've been walking in circles for the past hour. It's no use, I'm completely lost. If only there was some way to find out where I am.

You stumbled around for a while, hoping to find something to signal to you where you are, when you heard a voice. It was distant, and you couldn't tell what they were saying, but you followed it, hoping to find help.

It didn't take long to find the source of the voice, and you discovered it came from another cookie. A man who seemed to be a couple years older then you, wearing worn out, dark grey robes and holding what looked to be a scythe. He was grumbling something to himself, and appeared to be alone. You decided to approach him.

"Um, excuse me." You asked, causing the man to jump back a little.

"Huh? Who's there?!" The man tensed up, looking around the area, gripping onto his scythe.

"Ah, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you, I merely came to ask for directions. I'm terribly lost."

"Huh?" The man relaxed a bit. "Oh. Well, um, I could help you find your way! I know these woods like the back of my hand!"

"Ah, thank you so much! How could I ever repay you?"

"Heh, don't mention it! Now let's see..."

The man tried to lead you through the forest, but it soon became apparent he had no clue where to go. It didn't take much longer before he knew he couldn't pretend anymore.

"So uh..." The man started. "I truthfully have no idea where we're going."

The man seemed to grow worried, muttering something to himself. You couldn't hear much, but you did catch something about someone being disappointed.

"Hm? You're worried someone will be upset with you?" You asked him. "Who might that be?"

"N-No one!" The man said with a bit of panic in his voice. "Don't worry about it!"

"Hm, alright." You didn't believe it was nothing, but you decided to not push any further. "It's quite late, perhaps we'll have more luck in the morning?"

"Hm, you have a point. This seems like a good place to rest, I'll take the first watch if that's ok with you."

"Ah, that sounds good. Oh, I didn't get your name. My name's Y/n Cookie."

"Hm, that's a nice name actually. I'm Licorice Cookie."

"That's quite a nice name as well. It's nice to meet you Licorice."

"It's... nice to meet you too Y/n."

[I ran outta ideas TT]

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