Fire Spirit x Reader

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The heat of the Dragon's Valley was scorching, but it was something you had started getting used to in your days researching the environment of it. Along with your research partner Cauliflower Cookie, you were trying to find the cause of the change in spice levels throughout the valley.

Unfortunately, research was going a bit slowly for the time being. After helping a father reunite with his son after they had gotten separated in a sudden earthquake, Cauliflower started getting a bit... obsessed with her research. Trying to get to her was a lost cause when she was like this, so you decided to venture deeper within the valley. There had to be some secrets hiding just past the surface, and you wanted to document and study it as much as you could.

Today, you found a pathway to a lower area of the Dragon's Valley, and your need to learn more about this place lead you towards it. Down there, you discovered vast caverns, leading to every corner of this hidden world under the valley.

With excited fascination, you started traversing deeper and deeper into the caverns, exploring and documenting everything you saw and found interesting. Eventually, you came across some Obsidian creatures, taking some Obsidian berries and jellies somewhere, maybe to something? Your curiosity was piqued, and you decided to follow them.

The critters were heading to a cave, leaving the food seemingly as an offering. You continued approaching the pile, hoping to inspect this behavior more closely.

However, you didn't anticipate a large Pyro-tiger jumping out at you and letting out a bellowing roar. You let out a yelp as you fell over, leading the Pyro-tiger to approach you threateningly.

"W-Wait, I come in peace!" You said quickly, trying to plead with the flaming beast to spare your life. The Pyro-tiger paid no heed to your words, growling at you with a predatory look in its eyes, ready to pounce.

"Whoa whoa whoa hey! Bad kitty. Bad kitty!" A voice called out from further in the cave. The Pyro-tiger sunk back as a ball of fire came shooting towards you two, stopping right in front of the flaming tiger and revealing an equally flaming cookie.

"What did I say? No attacking cookies without my permission." The flaming cookie scolded to the Pyro-tiger. "Now shoo, go back and take a nap or something."

The Pyro-tiger shrunk back and nodded, heading further into the cave while the flaming cookie turned to you.

"Heh, sorry about that." He said, reaching his hand out to you. "Pyro-tiger's a bit defensive of its home. And don't worry, I won't burn ya, unless you want your hand set on fire."

You looked up at the cookie's teasing smirk, and you looked back down at his hand. With hesitation, you took it, and you were surprised by it's pleasing warmth as the cookie helped you up.

"Huh, I remember you." The firey cookie noticed. "You helped me reunite that kid with his dad. One of the researchers, right?"

"Yeah..? You noticed I was actually there?"

"Of course!" The flaming cookie gave you a wink. "Kinda hard not to remember someone cute like you."

"A-Ah." You couldn't help but blush a little, something he couldn't help but chuckle at.

"Hey, I don't know about you, but it's getting pretty late. Wouldn't want you to get attack led or something now would we?" Before you could reply, the cookie shrugged and put his hand on your shoulder. "Tell you what, I'll lead you back up to the surface, on the condition that you come back and visit me every day until you leave. You like that?"

"Y-Yeah. Thank you... uhm..." The flaming cookie only laughed at that.

"The name's Fire Spirit Cookie."

"Thank you Fire Spirit, my name is Y/n Cookie."

"Heh, nice to meet ya Y/n. Now, let's get you back before dark."

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