(Platonic) Eggnog x Reader x Tiramisu

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[And now time for the mandatory context giving because I was given creative freedom and used it.

For this one, you're Eggnog Cookie's sibling and Tiramisu's mentor, and you use they/them pronouns. Takes place directly after 'Miracle of Winter Gifts' story, but in this timeline Eggnog Cookie never forgot the final gift, so the two never truly made up after Tiramisu snapped at him.

With that said, hope you enjoy! ]

You sighed as you sat down on your couch. It was that time of year again, the time where all the Delivery Train Engineers and Gift Delivery Cookies team up to deliver presents to all the children in the world. It was exhausting work, but it was well worth the smiles on all the children's faces, even if you wouldn't see it.

You had just finished all your deliveries, and now were just relaxing at home. It was tiring, but you were completely satisfied with your work. Starting next week, you could start figuring out the plan for next year.

It wasn't too long before you heard an aggressive knocking at your front door. It was getting pretty late, and you only knew two people who would visit you at this hour. You got up and headed for the door, unlocking and opening it as soon as you got to it. It turned out to be your mentee Tiramisu Cookie, and he seemed to be pissed about something.

"Hello, Y/n Cookie." Tiramisu said to you, frustration filling his voice. "Is it ok if I stay with you tonight?"

"Of course." You replied. Tiramisu nodded as he stomped his way into the living room. "Is everything ok? You seem a bit upset."

"...It's nothing." Tiramisu responded, but it was clear something had happened.

"Tiramisu, you know you can tell me anything. If something's upsetting you, maybe talking about it would help..."

Tiramisu looked down before reluctantly nodding. As the two of you made your way to the couch, you noticed he was holding back tears. Once you both got on the couch, Tiramisu started talking.

"It's over. I'll never become a full Train Engineer." He said, his voice cracking a bit.

"Don't say that." You replied, taking off his hat and stroking his hair. "Today was only your first year driving the train. Whatever happened, it probably wouldn't affect your chances too mu-"


You jumped a bit at Tiramisu's sudden snapping, but he continued.

"IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOUR STUPID BROTHER, I MAYBE COULD'VE HAD A CHANCE! BUT NOOO, HE JUST HAD TO TAKE HIS TIME DELIVERING THE PRESENTS AND THANKS TO HIM, WE WERE THE LAST ONES BACK. I don't think there's ever been a Delivery Train as late as we were, and everyone must think it's because I'm inexperienced. I'll be a trainee forever at this rate..."

Unable to hold back any longer, Tiramisu started crying. It started off with a small whimper, but soon turned to full-on bawling. With no other idea of what to do, you put your arm around your mentee as he buried his face into your side.

The two of you stayed that way for a long time, until eventually Tiramisu started to fall asleep. Poor boy must've been exhausted from all the deliveries AND the sudden outburst. Carefully, as to not wake him up, you picked up Tiramisu and brought him to your guest bedroom. There, you took off his coat and shoes and tucked him into bed. As silently as you could, you turned off the light and closed the door, leaving Tiramisu to rest up from the night.

Upon heading back to the living room, you heard another knock at the door. Almost completely sure who it was, you went to open it. Sure enough, it was your brother, Eggnog Cookie.

"Hahaho! Y/n! It's been quite a while!" Eggnog said, giving you a big hug.

"Eggnog!" You responded, returning the hug. "How's everything been? I heard you got paired up with my mentee this year."

"Everything went well! All the gift were delivered, and we made it before midnight!"

"That's great! Here, come in! I can make some cocoa for us!"

"Hahaho! Sounds great!"

The two of you headed back in, with Eggnog sitting in the couch as you went to the kitchen to make the cocoa.

As you set the milk to warm up, you couldn't help but replay the conversation you had with Tiramisu in your mind. He was so upset about what happened, but from everyone else, including Eggnog, he did extremely well for a first-timer. Especially for one that hasn't even been promoted to a full Engineer. He had been so confident before hand, but it was clear his fear of staying a trainee put lots of stress on him, and he ended up lashing out as a result...

"Y/n?" You heard Eggnog's voice call out from the entrance to the kitchen. "I think the milk is over boiling."

You quickly looked back at the pan, and sure enough the milk was bubbling up and overflowing.

"Ah! It is!" You exclaimed with urgency, reaching for a towel and turning off the stove. Eggnog laughed as he watched you stumble around the kitchen trying to clean up the mess and prevent the milk from spilling even more.

He did come to help you, and you both were able to clean up pretty quickly. With it cleaned up, you were able to make the cocoa with no other issues.

"Here you go." You said to your brother, handing him a cup filled with cocoa.

"Thanks Y/n." Eggnog replied, taking the cup, blowing into it, and taking a sip. "Mm! Just as good as you've always made it!"

"Glad you like it!" The two of you sat on the couch for a while, just simply drinking your cocoa. It almost felt a bit sudden when Eggnog turned to you.

"That reminds me, do you have any idea where Tiramisu is? The boy ended up running as soon as we got back to the workshop."

"Ah, about that. He's currently upstairs sleeping. He was pretty upset about tonight..."

"Hm, he seemed that way. But he's being too hard on himself isn't he? For his first year, making it to every house while making it before midnight is very good."

"I know, I wouldn't be surprised if he got promoted to a full engineer next year. Though, until they officially announce it, I don't think I can fully comfort him. He always has been one to wait for full confirmation before getting his hopes up."

"Right." As Eggnog took his last sip, he looked at the clock on the wall. "Oh is that the time? I should be going now. Could you give this to Tiramisu in the morning."

Eggnog reached into his pocket and took out a small present. He then held it out to you.

"Oh, ok. I'll give it to him." You said, taking the gift. It was very lightweight, and it sounded like something small was inside it. You were curious about what was inside, but you didn't open it, deciding to wait for Tiramisu to get up so he could open it himself.

"Thanks, now see you later Y/n."

"See you later Eggnog."

[No lie, for someone who writes angst about once in a blue moon, I don't think it was bad-]

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