(TW) Dark Cacao x Missing Dragon!Reader

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[Ok, but like, I've seen request like these literally everywhere. Not complaining, just think it's funny.

Either way I'm excited to give y'all my take on this surprisingly common writing prompt, so here we go! Hope you enjoy.

But before we begin; context! Yay!

And also TW for abusive behavior when talking about Y/n's backstory here, not yay.

So basically, you're a dragon cookie that can cry gold, and also Ananas Dragon's twin.

And oh boy are they an awful twin to have.

They would constantly hurt you in any way they could, making you cry in order to collect more gold for themself. Eventually, it turned too much for you to handle and you ran away. You headed for the Dark Cacao kingdom, knowing it would be way too cold for Ananas' comfort. There, Dark Cacao decided to help shelter you in return for your help in protecting the kingdom, to which you agreed, on the condition that the fact you're a dragon stays between you two.

Then after staying together for a while, you both ended up falling in love and started dating.

Yeah, that's about it. This has gone on long enough so hope you enjoy for real this time-]


The weather in the Dark Cacao Kingdom was always intense, with it overrun by huge blizzards constantly, but today the storms were particularly heavy. Snow clouded your vision and stung your dough like needles, but you persisted.

You gasped as the harsh wind nearly blew your cloak away, revealing your dragon wings and tail to the forest around you, but luckily you were able to keep it on before it blew away. You felt relieved, knowing that your secret would still be safe for the time being.

As you made your way through the snowstorm, the thought of flying back to the castle crossed your mind, but you quickly dismissed it. After all, if word got out that there was a dragon, things wouldn't just end badly for you, but possibly the Dark Cacao Kingdom as a whole. You couldn't let that happen to the cookies that have shown you nothing but kindness in all the years you've spent here, so you kept your dragon lineage a secret.

As you continued trekking thought the blizzard, you started to faintly see the Black Citadel come into view. A smile formed on your face as you continued through the blizzard.

"HALT!" A voice said as you approached the Citadel gates. You obeyed and stopped in your tracks, looking up towards the familiar voice of the First Watcher. "Who goes there?"

"It's me, Y/n Cookie." You replied. "I've returned from delivering supplies to nearby villages,"

"Oh, Y/n! Here, come on in. His majesty is waiting for you inside."

"Thank you Ms. Caramel Arrow."

"No problem! And just call me Caramel."

"Alright, Caramel."

The great doors open, and you stepped inside, nodding to show your respects to the Watchers protecting the Citadel in the blizzard. It was much warmer inside the palace, but you kept your warm cloak on. The clothes you were wearing didn't conceal your tail very well, so you decided not to risk it until you made it back to yours and Dark Cacao's room.

Speaking of which... Caramel Arrow did say he was waiting for you, perhaps it would be a good idea to take a quick stop at the throne room to check if he was there on royal duty.

As you passed by the throne room, you took a quick peek in. Dark Cacao wasn't there, so you continued on towards your room. Considering you shared it with him, you were confident Dark Cacao would be there waiting for you.

Just as you suspected, he was there, sitting on the bed, looking at a small box he held in his hands. He hasn't noticed you yet, so you quietly walked up and sat down next to him.

"Hello, my dear." You said as you sat down. Dark Cacao jumped a little bit at the unexpected voice, but relaxed as he hears your voice.

"O-Oh, my dear, you have arrived." The king said, hiding the box behind his back. You couldn't help but giggle a bit. "I presume the supplies have been delivered safely?"

"Yes, everything was delivered safe and sound." You took the cloak off, revealing your dragon wings and tail. Dark Cacao had no reaction to them, as he already knew your secret.

"That's good to hear..." You couldn't help but notice that Dark Cacao seemed like he had something to say, and you started to get curious.

"Hm? My dear, it seems like you have something you want to talk about."

"O-Oh, I guess nothing gets past you, does it?" This makes you giggle a bit.

"I suppose not. Now, what is it you would like to tell me?"

"Well..." he takes a deep breath and pulls out the small box. "My dear Y/n... would you..."

He opens the box, revealing a ring. You couldn't help but gasp in surprise.

"...like to marry me..?"

"My dear..." Golden tears started to fall from your eyes. "Of course! Of course I would love to marry you!"

Dark Cacao smiled, and tears started to fall from his eyes as well. He carefully put the ring on your finger before holding you in a tight embrace. You couldn't stop the tears from falling down your face and landing into Dark Cacao's lap.

"Ah." He said, noticing the gold in the shape of teardrops. "My dear, shall we bury these in the same area when you are ready?"

"I-It's alright dear. I'll go bury them the next time I go out."


[I'm so sorry for half-assing this ending holy shit.

Sorry this took so long I had so little motivation and I just wanted to get this done finally-]

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