Eclair x Reader

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[Deadass like, I was bankrupted for ideas with this. Like I knew what I wanted to do for this but just didn't know how to progress the story.

Anyways context time yay.

So you're Eclair's fiancé in this and love to organize things. Eclair on the other hand gets so wrapped up in his research he forgets to pick up after himself, leaving his office a mess quite a bit.

Uhhhh, I don't got much more to say. Hope you enjoy ig-]



It was just another day in Parfaedia. You walked with slight excitement as you headed to your fiancé's office at the academy. His meeting was supposed to end soon, so you figured you could surprise him by waiting for him in his office.

Upon arriving, you saw the room was quite disorganized. You sighed upon seeing it all, it seems he got too wrapped up in his research once again. Might as well try to pick up a bit while you wait.

You began to pick up some of the papers and relics on the floor, placing them neatly around the room. You made sure everything was neat and organized, fixing up the disorganized mess that plagued the room earlier.

Eventually, you ended up picking up a relic left in a corner. You picked it up, only to see it was a bit dirty. Odd, considering your fiancé hated when any of relics were dirty or smudged in any way possible. Still, you went to wipe it off with a clean rag.

You felt a bit hazy as you did so. It was like you were sleepy, exhausted from a long day. Even so, you wanted to at least finish cleaning this relic and put it back in its place before taking a break.

You wiped and wiped and wiped it down, but the relic remained dirty. If anything, it only seemed to get more dirty.

(That's... not right...) You thought to yourself. (Did I accidentally pick up a dirty rag by any chance?)

(There's nothing wrong about it) A slightly different voice said in your head. (Keep rubbing it, it'll be clean eventually)

(Hm... I'm quite tired already though... perhaps I should take a quick rest before continuing.)

(You're already so close to finishing, why not just finish it?)

Your mind felt foggy... you didn't know what you should do. Thinking straight was hard enough, and you froze as you tried to figure out what's going on.

As the voice in your head kept beckoning you to finish cleaning the relic, you could also faintly hear your fiancé's voice. It was faint... but your heard his voice telling you to put down the relic.

As the mysterious voice told you not to, you put down the relic on the desk in front of you, feeling all your energy get sucked out as you did.

Your mind quickly became foggier and foggier as your vision went black.


"Y/n? Y/n!" You heard a faintly familiar voice call out to you. "Y/n please wake up!"

Your eyes softly fluttered open, only to be met with a sweet and relieved look on the face of your fiancé, Eclair Cookie.

"Oh my dear, you're alright!" Eclair said with relief, giving you a big hug as you sat up on what you soon realized was the couch of your shared apartment.

"Darling wh... what happened..?" You asked, your memory fuzzy from before you blacked out.

"You were possessed by a cursed relic I was studying. It tried to corrupt your mind I believe. When I got back I saw you staring blankly at the relic while you were holding it!"

"My... I'm so sorry... I wanted to clean up your office while I was away, I had no clue that relic would be there."

"Oh Y/n..." Eclair hugged you tighter. "You have nothing to apologize for. I am the one at fault here, as I did not put any signs of that relic being cursed like I should've."

"Ah... I suppose... the both of us could've done things differently."

"Yes, although, you're safe now dear, and that's all that matters to me."

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