Lilac x Reader

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[Once again, after a long ass time, yo girl comes back with another x reader one shot.

And this is a long boi too.

And it requires context so here we go:

So in this one, you're from Horensia, and are quite homesick. You decide to travel with GingerBrave and the others as they're traveling all over Earthbread and they offered to help you get back home. And this story takes place in Chapter 5 of GingerBrave's Tale.

*cough* I also basically copied the first part of the story from that and then I take creative liberties in the second half.

Also TW for implied poisoning. Because Scorpion Cookie.

Anyways, hope you enjoy-]


"Wow, we're finally in Yogurtca!" GingerBrave said, admiring the large city in front of him. You followed shortly behind him and his friends, taking the time to take in your surroundings. Yogurtca was quite large, at least compared to your hometown, and the sun was nearly scorching. It felt like if you weren't careful, your dough might overbake.

"Hey... Y/n?" You heard a soft voice ask you. You turned your head, only to see Strawberry Cookie. "Are you alright? You seem to be thinking hard about something."

"O-Oh. It's nothing much, just thinking about how different Yogurtca is to my home."

"Horensia, right?"

"Yep. I still can't help but miss it..."

"Ah, I see... Don't worry Y/n, we'll help you get home soon."

"Thank you... but I will admit, adventuring like this is quite fun."

"Oh, I'm glad you feel that way." You can't help but smile at Strawberry's words.

"Ah, by the way, where did everyone else go?"

"Oh. The compass was pointing towards the desert, so we all decided to split up and ask around." Strawberry got a bit shy. "Um... i-is it ok if I go with you?"

You couldn't help but give the shy gamer a soft smile. "Of course. Let's go ask around together."

You and Strawberry started to head around town, asking some of the merchants if they knew anything. Eventually, GingerBrave and Alchemist found you, and explained that they would be meeting with a friend of hers at a banquet being held tonight.

A smile crept onto your face as the evening came around. You've never been to a banquet before, and you couldn't help but wonder what it was like.

However, you could never had imagined the mere scale of the event until you got there. The mansion where Alchemist's friend was hosting the party was larger than all of your hometown, and there were more people gathered for the banquet than you have ever seen. It amazed you just how many people could be in one place at the same time for the same purpose.

"This is the mansion?" Strawberry said in pure awe. "It's like, bigger than a castle!? That's so cool!"

"I was surprised when I first saw it too." Alchemist replied. "His family is really rich, but he's always looking for more treasures."

"Wow..." You said a bit breathlessly. "This is the largest event I have ever seen... even the biggest events back home are nowhere near as grand as this... not even the Wish Festival..."

"How are we gonna find Yogurt Cream Cookie in this crowd?" GingerBright asked.

"Knowing Yogurt Cream, there's only one place he'll be." Alchemist answered, already starting to make her way through the crowd. "Smack dab in the middle of everything."

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