(Smut) Dom!Red Velvet x Reader

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[I kid you not I wrote part of this while listening to emo song compilations, and most of this listening to Snapcube Fandubs-

Anyways welcome back to a virgin trying to write smut because yes- All that really means is that this'll be shit.

Kids, it is in your best interest to turn back now. This is in no way intended for young eyes to read.

Also I had no ideas for any plot so we'll just jump right in. It is also gonna be short for the same reason, little ideas.

Anyways enjoy ig-]



"R-Red Velvet...~" You whimpered, feeling your boyfriend bite your neck and collarbone, your bare bodies pressing against each other as he holds you close.

"Heh..." Red Velvet chuckles, licking the bite marks he left on your neck. "Already so worked up after just a couple bites and kisses~? My, so sensitive~."

His cake arm started to reach lower and lower down your back, reaching your butt and giving it a nice squeeze. You struggled to hold in your moans, and you struggled even more so as his fingers crawled their way to grab your crotch.

"There, there~ I'll be gentle dear~" His deep, soothing voice only served to turn you on more, his large hand resting right between your legs, massaging your clit gently. You couldn't help but let a moan escape you, nor resist letting a little bit of cream release onto his hand.

"Hm? What's this~?" Red Velvet asked softly, looking at his hand and chuckling as he saw the cream that rested on his hand now. "My, you're quite excited, aren't you dear~?"

You could only nod, moaning and creaming a bit more into his hand as he kept stroking your crotch. He let out a low chuckle, whispering right into your ear.

"You want me to stick my finger into your clit~? Is that it, my little needy puppy~?"

"Y-Yes~" You managed to moan out, Red Velvet's hot breath hitting your neck and making you shudder. He only chuckled, letting his large fingers push into your clit. You gasped with the suddenness of his finger within you, even as he went gentle.

"A-Ah~~! V-Vel...~!"

"Heh.... Your moans are so sweet~" Red Velvet kissed and licked your neck, going a little rougher to get more of an reaction out of you.

You ended up giving him exactly what he wanted, as the feeling of his large finger within you made you moan and squirm. It only intensified as he stuck a second finger within you.

"A...Ah~~! So~ big~!" You moaned out. Resting upon your thigh, you felt Red Velvet's hardened dick, throbbing with desire as you moaned more and more.

"Hm~? Feeling good, my little puppy~?"

"Y-Yes~... ah~!"

"Good~. Then how about I insert something else into you~?" Red Velvet removed his fingers from inside you, making you release even more cream. "How does that sound to you, little puppy~? You want that~?"

You could only nod through your moans, letting out a sharp gasp as Red Velvet inserted his hard dick into you. You moaned out as he held you close to him, your crotch adjusting to Red Velvet's size as he thrusted into you.

The initial pain you felt melted to pleasure, and you softly wrapped your arms around Red Velvet's waist as you moaned more. Red Velvet only smirked and chuckled, smothering you with kisses and bites on the neck.

He started gently, but thrusted into you harder and faster as he kept going. You shook and moaned, feeling his hands around your waist and hips.

You creamed a lot before he finally released, filling you up with all of his cream before pulling his softened dick out of you.

"Did that feel good, my little puppy~?" Red Velvet asked you.

"Y-Yes...~" You replied, still on a high from it all. "I-I love you Vel~"

Red Velvet only smirked and kissed you on your forehead.

"I love you too, my sweet little puppy~"

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