(TW) (Platonic) Captain Caviar x Abused!Male!Child!Reader

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[And with this I have officially written more angst than I ever would have otherwise!

Ok in all seriousness I probably shouldn't make too many jokes here, things are gonna get heavy. Or, maybe you guys won't mind me trying to crack my normal jokes as long as it's not about the subject matter? Idk, please let me know if this or anything else I say comes off as insensitive or disrespectful in any way.

Anyways, MASSIVE trigger warning for abuse in this one. I didn't want to sugar-coat the effects of specifically emotional abuse in any way (although I still might have since I personally have never been treated this way, I did a bit of research beforehand but it still might not be completely accurate.)

In this one, you were abandoned by your family at a young age. Fortunately, you were found sleeping in the streets by Captain Caviar, who decided to adopt you as his own. You have a much better home life with him, but the shadows of your past still remain.

Ok this has been long enough, hope you enjoy!]


It was another beautiful day in the Crème Republic. The sun was bright and warm, cancelled out by the cool breeze near the sea. The day was beautiful and yet, you couldn't stop the melancholic feeling from entering you.

Even if this was now a regular spot to wait as your adoptive dad was busy at the docks, you could never forget how it used to be your escape from your old home. And your old parents...

The shining sun, the calm waves, the sound of the breeze, it all used to help you run away from everything. The one place where no one was around to scream at you for whatever you did wrong.

Tears started forming in your eyes as you heard their words start ringing in your head.


"Can't you do anything without screwing up?"

"You're an embarrassment to our family name."


"We should've given you away when we had the chance."

You felt a couple of wet drops fall onto your legs. Thinking it was rain, you looked up, but you soon realized it was actually your own tears. Part of you wanted to cry more, but the other part tried to repress those tears. No one respects or likes a crybaby after all, and you couldn't bare the inevitable disappointment your current father would have if he saw you like this. He was a strong and respected captain after all, shouldn't the son of someone so looked highly upon be just as respectable as well?

"Y/n! Where are ya?" You heard the familiar voice of your new dad call out. You quickly tried to wipe the tears from your face, not wanting him to see you this pathetic.

Unfortunately, he found you before you could calm yourself down.

"There ya are!" Captain Caviar said, entering the clearing and walking up to you. You quickly tried to cover your face, bracing yourself for the scolding you'll get for crying, but it never came. Instead, as you looked up slightly, you saw a worried expression form on Captain Caviar's face as he sat next to you. "Hey, is everything ok squirt?"

"*hic* I-I'm ok Mr. Cap- dad." You got out, quickly correcting yourself before you could call him 'Mr. Captain'. Oh, why were you such a screw-up?

"Hm, does this place remind ya of your old home?" Captain Caviar asked, surprising you. He read you like a book, and you couldn't help but curl up into a ball. Both from the memories, and to brace yourself for a scolding.

You tried to reply, but you couldn't form any words from your crying. Instead, you softly nodded, squeezing your eyes shut.

Yet, the yelling you expected never came. Captain Caviar instead wrapped his arm around you, patting your back.

"Listen here squirt." He started, talking in a soft tone. "I know those memories won't leave anytime soon, some of the moments that stick with me are also some of the most painful, but it's over and done with now. Trust me, I'll make sure those people never hurt you again."

You gave a soft nod as you leaned into Captain Caviar's side, your tears slowing down, but still being present.

"I-I'm sorry Dad..." You managed to get out, not daring to look him in the eyes. "I- *hic* must look like a-a loser right now..."

"Hey, I don't want ya to ever think of yerself like that. With everything that ya've gone through at yer age, it'd actually be more worrying' if ya didn't cry thinkin' about it."

You looked up at Captain Caviar, and a soft smile formed on your face as you saw the kindness in his eyes. A kindness that was becoming more and more familiar to you the longer you stayed with him and his crew. It was overwhelming, but in a much better way than anything you experienced at your old home.

The thought of it all made you cry again, how could someone as pathetic as you possibly deserve all this?

You shook your head at this thought, trying to get it out of your head like how Captain Caviar taught you. He always told you that you were much greater than you thought you were, that every harsh thing your old parents said were nothing but lies.

It was difficult to believe at first. But at times like these, it almost seemed like it could become a reality. At this thought, a tiny smile formed on your wet face.

You couldn't possibly ask for a better father than Captain Caviar.

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