Black Pearl x Sea MonsterFem!Reader pt. 2

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[Yall, anymore of these and I might just be converted to a Black Pearl simp-

Oh who am I kidding I kinda already am.

Anyways for this one, it's taking place on the same world as the first Black Pearl x Fem!Reader I wrote because I love the relationship between the two there and wanted to write more-

So uh, yeh, hope you enjoy-]



It was a quiet evening in the Duskgloom Sea. It was one of the rare days when the sky was clear, and with the sun down, the stars glimmered and shined like small crystals. It was the perfect chance to hang out with your girlfriend, Black Pearl Cookie.

At the thought of her, you looked over at the beauty in question. Her eyes seemed to shine bright at the sight of the stars above, and you felt a light blush cross your cheeks. She's just so impossibly pretty, you couldn't help but pull her just a little bit closer as you wrapped your arm around her waist.

"Ah, Y/n." Black Pearl giggled, wrapping one arm around your waist and the resting the other around your shoulders. "The sky is so beautiful tonight. Thank you for bringing me up here."

"It's no problem Pearl." You said, looking straight into her eyes. On her cheeks, you could see a soft blush had formed. You couldn't help but giggle a bit. "But of course, the sky had nothing on you, just like everything else."

"Oh darling, you always know the best ways of flattery."

"What can I say, you get a sense for these things after dating your beloved for a while."

"*giggles* I guess so..."

The two of you shared a soft kiss before wrapping each other further into your embraces. You could never get tired of this, you wished you could stay there forever.

Unfortunately, a gasp from Black Pearl broke you out of the trance. Looking at her, a worried expression had formed on her face.

"Darling," she started. "A ship's coming this way."

"Wait, what?" You said, quickly turning your head towards where she was looking. Sure enough, what looked to be a pirate ship was heading your way. "Ah, quick! Get down!"

As quick as you could, the two of you ducked under the surface of the water, getting just far enough away from the surface so the crew on board wouldn't sense you.

"Pirates? At this time of day?" You said, a bit of curiosity in your voice. "It's rather late isn't it? Didn't expect anyone to be sailing now."

"*sigh* Cookies. They're all the same." Black Pearl replied, sending you a look of both mischief and pleading. "Would you mind if I went up to sink it darling?"

"I don't see why not. Go ahead, I'll watch from here."

Black Pearl gave a small, excited giggle as she gave you a quick hug before going back up to the surface. You couldn't help but sigh and shake your head before looking up at your girlfriend, a small smile crossing your face.

[Srry this took so long and was so lazy I literally had no ideas ToT-]

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