(Smut) Jealous!Dom!Adventurer x Fem!Reader

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[No lie, if you told me from when I first started writing fanfics that my first smut would be a bargain bin Indiana Jones x reader I probably would've laughed.

Now look at me.

Also now's a good time to say I've never written smut before-

Well there's a first time for everything, and I've been given an actual plot to work with so here we go! Hope you enjoy.]

F/c = Favorite color
F/bf = Favorite burrito filling (yes, this is oddly specific but it'll make sense I swear-)

"Today was so much fun Ven!" You exclaimed, clinging onto your boyfriend Adventurer's arm as the two of you headed to the boardwalk. It was the fifth anniversary since you two started dating, so you both decided to go to the beach for the weekend. So far, it has been a lot of fun, and now you two were going to get something to eat before heading back to the hotel.

"I'm glad you liked it, love." Adventurer said, holding you by your waist as you two walked.

The boardwalk didn't have too many people, so the two of you walked around, trying to decided what you would like to eat. After looking around for a while, you both realized you wanted different things, so you split up to get what you wanted, promising to meet up at a nearby table.

[After getting your food]

(Hm, he's taking a while.) You thought to yourself, your f/bf burrito sitting in front of you. (I know I told Ven I would wait for him, but if he takes longer I'll just start eating by myself!)

You sighed as your gaze shifted back and forth between your burrito and the crowd. You were hoping you could spot Adventurer heading towards you, but he wasn't there. Seriously, where was your absolute himbo of a boyfriend?

"Hello ma'am." You heard an unfamiliar voice say to you. You turned your head, only to see a guy that seemed to be a couple years older than you.

"Oh, hello." You said, a bit warily. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I was just wondering if there was something wrong, you've been staring at you food for a while now." The guy said. Damnit, he's a creep.

"I'm fine, just waiting for my boyfriend to get back." You said, hoping that this weirdo would back off once he realized your taken.

"Hm. You sure he didn't abandon you?" The creep asked, sitting down next to you. As soon as he did, you started moving away.

"No, not at all. Knowing him he either got lost or sidetracked. He should be here at any moment,"

"Well, what if he doesn't come back?"

"Then I guess I'll just have to eat alone and go look for him afterwards."

"Oh, but you don't have to be alone~."

The guy started getting closer to you. You silently questioned why you kept trying to be polite as you moved to the edge of the table, trying to make it clear you weren't interested. The creep didn't seem to take the hint, and only kept following you. Quickly, you tried to figure out the best way to get this man to back off while not coming off as rude.

Fortunately, it seems the choice was made for you, as when the creep was just at you side, a hand gripped his shoulder. The two of you looked up to see Adventurer standing over him, an intense look in his eyes.

"Hey." Adventurer said, anger seeping into his voice. "Didn't you get the hint? She's not into you."

"H-huh?" The creep said. "W-who do you think you are?"

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