Trans!Chocolate Bonbon x Fem!Reader

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[Cue me having no ideas once again having very few ideas. Both for the story and for this cause my mind just ran into a brick wall-

Also, if anyone who's reading this is trans and finds this insensitive, please let me know. I myself am not trans and had gone off research and memories of classmate experiences that were shared with me so if this is in any way insensitive, please let me know.

Anyways, hope you enjoy and sorry for it being short.]



"Darling!" You heard your girlfriend say with excitement as she entered the small workshop you two share.

"Hm? What is it?" You asked, turning to her. She quickly put down her bag before turning to you.

"Do you remember when I told you I looking into getting bottom surgery?"

"Yeah? Did something happen with that?"

Chocolate Bonbon smiles with excitement. "Yes, I was finally able to schedule one!"

"Bonbon, that's awesome!" You quickly got up to give her a tight hug. "When's the surgery happening?"

"Next Tuesday, you'll come with me right? I must admit, I'm quite nervous."

"Of course I will Bonbon. Oh, I'm so excited for you! And it'll be just in time for the new Choc'au Latte exhibition as well!"

"I know... there's so much going on, and you're the best partner one can ask for."

"That's the least I can do. I love you Bonbon."

"I love you too my dear Y/n."

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