Yandere!Black Raisin x GN!Reader x Yandere! Chili Pepper

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[Yo girl finally finished this hell yeah!

And it's a long one too! Yippee!

Also fuck I projected again.

Anyways I could give more context to this, but I don't feel like it so yeh.

Hope you enjoy this and also CW for a break in also a technical kidnapping. I know this sounds confusing but I swear it'll make sense-]



"Phew, that's one more to check off the to-do list." You said as you leaned back in your seat. You finally completed a commission that was taking a particularly long time to finish and uploaded it to your followers online.

Of course, you still had a dozen more left to complete by the time your classes started up again. Art school was no joke, and you had to use as much time as you possibly could during the break while you were uninterrupted before your schedule would get hectic again.

A chill went up your spine as you remembered having to leave the comfort and safety of your room. There were many things to be scared about in the real world. Classes, having to socialize with other people, and the worst of it all, those two women who were dead set on claiming your heart.

You shudder just thinking about them fighting over you for the hundredth time. Causing a commotion, hurting each other for your sake, it was way too stressful for you to deal with.

Speaking of which, you saw you got some comments on your newest commission piece. Wondering what the commenters could be saying, you tapped the notification, only to be disappointed when you saw that a couple of them were asking when you would be drawing their commissions, and others were requests even though you had linked a form to ask and pay for commissions. You sighed as you wrote up your apologies and replies to these commenters, hoping not to come off as rude in them.

"Ugh, you think that people who pay for you to draw things for them, they wouldn't be blind." A voice said behind you, making you fall out of your seat. You looked up, only to see a familiar, cocky grin that nearly made your heart jump out of your chest in fear.

"What? Didn't expect me to pay you a visit?" Chili Pepper asked, helping you end to your feet and casually sitting on your bed. "You look like you just saw a ghost."

"H-H-How... did you get in..?" You managed to stutter out, making Chili Pepper chuckle a little.

"Heh, just saying, you should look into making it harder to break in if you're gonna hide in your room all the time."

She let out a laugh at this, and you backed away further from her. Your voice was caught in your throat, the fear overtaking you as the red haired thief walked over to the window.

"Geez, it's dark in here." She said, opening the blinds and making you recoil from the sudden brightness in the room. "No wonder you look like you just woke up after a hundred years."

You couldn't help but tremble as Chili Pepper walked up to you and put a hand on your shoulder.

"Come on, it's been a while since we've been together like this. Howza bout we go get some grub? You look like you could use it."

You felt like a deer in the headlights, even though her gaze was friendly and loving. You hesitantly nodded, making Chili Pepper smile and take your hand.

"Great! There's this new place down the street I think you'll like. My treat, for once."

Chili Pepper's grip was quite strong, so you couldn't resist much as she lead you out of the comfort of your room and into the real world. You squinted at the bright sun and hoped that you would have no other human interaction while you were outside. Chili Pepper didn't seem to notice your discomfort, and only led you by the hand, occasionally being attacked by some crows.

"Ow! Stupid birds, do I look like food to you?!" Chili Pepper snapped, letting go of your hand to swat away the crowd attacking her. Your mind raced with all the options you had for action, trying to figure out what to do. Before you even realized it, a different pair of arms grabbed you and carried you away.

You panicked, kicking your legs and trying anything you could think of to break out of the grasp of your captor. However, no matter how much you tried, it didn't work. Your captor kept a firm grip on you as your mind ran from the panic, making you lose your cognitive abilities temporarily.

It felt like forever until you were finally set down gently. You looked around in a panic, it seems you were in a park, and you were alone with your captor.

You started hyperventilating, and a finger went up to your lips. A soft and comforting 'shhhh' sound came out of your captor's mouth, calming you a little, but you were still filled with fear and panic.

"It's alright. It's just me. Don't be scared."

You tried to follow their words, trying to calm your mind and slow your breathing. You didn't know what you could do at this rate, all you could do was try to calm down and figure out what's happening.

"That's it... just relax." Your captor said, stroking your hair as you finally calmed down enough to get a good look at them. Your eyes widened slightly when you saw the familiar jet black hair and eyes, with a purple gleam in the woman's left eye.

It's Black Raisin Cookie, the other woman dead set on winning your heart. She held you gently, her sole arm embracing you gently.

"There... are you feeling better?" Black Raisin asked you, to which you nodded in response. "I'm glad. I apologize for being you here so suddenly, but I had to protect you from her."

There was quite of bit of poison in her words, not even attempting to hide her distain for the red haired thief. Upon seeing you tremble however, Black Raisin took a deep breath to calm herself down.

"I'm sorry. You must be very tense about everything." Black Raisin took your hand into her own and looked you in the eyes. "But please, do not worry. I promise you, I won't hurt you. I only want to keep you safe."

It was hard to tell if she truly meant her words, but her loving eyes felt sincere, if not a bit misguided.

One thing was certain, however. As long as either Black Raisin or Chili Pepper was still alive with you, you would never have a moment's peace again.

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