Opening Day

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We give all the keys and codes to Sawyer, Roz and Christian. Sawyer is assuring everyone who is supposed to be here is here. He threw out a few that were trying to sneak inside and furniture and everything else us being moved in, including brand new furniture for the hospice apartments. I saw Sawyers new apartment. It is on the ground floor and has four bedrooms. A security suite that has views of the whole building. Barney did a great job on installing everything. We start allowing the hospice patients move in with their families, or just their families.
This has been an arduous process but I have a good team under me. Plus Jason Taylor has coordinated with me concerning the GEH security protocols and it got easier as the day came to an end. Each time a problem arose we worked it out. Room assignments were the biggest issues. Each family came with a certain amount of wants and needs. The wants were the biggest pet peeves of mine. The needs were a necessity, the wants weren't. Those were put on a indefinite hold. Namely we also had the opening of the amusement park and unfortunately it was meant for the patients and their family members only. We had some very angry people turned away at the gates. It is free but only for the cancer patients and their children. Hospital ID bracelets were how they are able to get in, someone found a way to recreate them. Barney found a way to detect the fake ones. It was a great day otherwise, we had a few issues at the park but we made a point of politely taking the people who were gate crashing aside and told them they were very lucky to have healthy children that will live long lives, but they shouldn't take the fun away from the ones who won't live one.
I knew we might have this issue so we made the necessary arrangements for a two day visit to the park for healthy children and their families a month. This way we satisfy some of the public, but to get access to the park they must see a video on what we try to achieve at the hospital along with the hospice and the apartments for the patients families. Soon we found another issue at hand. Because of financial problems, siblings of our patients have lost the college money their parents had set up for each of them to afford medications and or medical treatments for the sick child. So I had people look into each situation independently and see what the needs were. Right now we are being inundated with request, some are fraudulent sone aren't. So we do an application process and we insist that they know not everyone will get help. Their are certain criteria that need to be met before we go through and look at them on a one on one basis. I hired someone to do all this for us.
I started having labor pains today of all days and Ana found me in the ladies room and got me to the hospital quickly. Neither of us knew about Braxton-Hicks contractions, well I didn't, but Ana did. But those changed quickly to full blown labor contractions soon. My parents and my in-laws got there faster than Elliott did. But to be fair Grace was already at the hospital. Elliott was where he couldn't get a signal, he was at the site of our new home. They were finishing up the nursery, he finally made it just before Ava Grace was born. He cut her cord and handed her to me. He took videos of her laying on me and him in the video as well.
I got everything done and closed up before I headed back and my phone was ringing off the hook and texts were coming in and I finally heard the voice messages that Kate was having the baby. I have no idea how I git to the hospital but I got there and Christian had Taylor park my truck and I ran to the room number he gave me as he drove my truck away to the parking lot. I breathed easier once I found the room. Kate was mad and happy to see me at the same time. Ana and mom were in the room with Kate. I took over holding her hand and Ana and mom slipped out of the room. Suddenly a little cry and then a scream and steady baby cries and I am asked if I want to cut the cord and they hand me scissors and show me where to cut it and I do. Then they wrap the crying little bundle and tell us we have a baby girl. I place the baby in Kate's arms.
Well we made two sets of grandparents very happy. Be prepared for photo sessions with everyone now. Have to give them plenty to show their friends. They take Ava to clean her up and weigh, and everything else they do to her. Security are ready to follow her to the nursery and watch over her until she us brought back to me. Everyone is here now. Ava has started breast feeding quietly under the blanket. She got her fill and filled her diaper and Elliott tried to change her, but mom took over telling him the first few poops are like tar and hard to clean off their little butts. He let her handle it. The nurse gave her something to help her clean it up.
We are finally left alone with our beautiful baby girl. Kate did well, very well. Now the six week dry spell is another matter. I remind Kate of this and she frowns because her sex drive is equal to mine. We might need to improvise at some point. Ava is ready to eat again just as we start thinking of the sex we will be missing out on it.

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