Kate and Ellott

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Listen here you doofus, you never ever hand another female your number while on a date with someone else. Has anyone ever called you on this kind of bs before?
Hey now we are single and free to mingle right? So I gave her my number. A lost opportunity is lost time.
Okay then, so the guy sitting behind us is fair game if he asks me for my number it is okay to give it to him?
Omg are you serious? You need trained and badly in how to be a good boyfriend. If we are dating you will no longer give or take phone numbers from other females understand.
Okay so are we girlfriend and boyfriend now?
If that's what you want.
Sure. So want to have supper with the family.
Sure why not, we can talk about what we expect from our dating each other prior to what we both know what your mother expects. Not ready for marriage and kids myself are you?
Well we are both on the same page here. Can I assume you are using birth control?
You need to get tested and so will I, don't want any left over diseases from previous sexual partners do we now?
I always used condoms and will continue to do so until we chose not to.
Great to hear. Now let's have some fun. As they head out to a favorite hot spot. To dance and have fun with friends.

Dinner at Greys
Well at least Elliott is bringing Kate, hey one down two to go. Let's hope I can steer Kate and Elliott to the alter quickly, who am I kidding, myself of course. Kate is still sowing her wild oats and Elliott doesn't want marriage and kids. He loves kids but just others kids.
Well I have him interested in a strong female at least. Now for the others. I am hoping Ana will become interested in Christian. Mia is my last hope.
My poor manipulative wife, only one of her pairings met up after the party and are joining us for dinner tonight. I love my wife, but think she is too anxious for us to have grandkids. Grandkids will be great, but they also invade the peace we now have and end up needing babysat. I want alone time with my wife again. But I also want her happy. Can't have it all I guess. I need to make the best of things while I can. Now that the kids are out of the house the sounds of little potter patters aren't far off after they marry or who is kidding even before marriage.
I personally know all my children will make wonderful parents. Christian doesn't think he has it in him, but I know he does. He has been like a surrogate parent to Mia since the first day we brought her home. Rarely does a young boy take care of a baby, but he did as often as he could.
Oh wow just me and Elliott and his family, I was hoping Ethan would join us, but he said Mia turned out to be too childish and spoiled. He said they need to light a fire under her and make her realize like isn't all about partying and having her family foot her bills along with adding her so called friends meals, drinks and clothes to a huge bill. He was called and asked to join her at some place, but he said if her friends were coming to forget it.
Mia is beautiful and generous, but those snobby friends are just using her. One wouldn't stop harassing her about taking them to Christians penthouse. They asked her if they could use it to throw a party. She told them there was no way she would even ask him and to stop asking. The main instigator was a blonde girl who made some snide comments when she was paying the bill. The girl said if she wasn't paying for everything she wouldn't talk to her and the only other reason was she was trying to get Christians number and his codes to get into his penthouse. After that I guarded her purse and phone like a hawk. I feel bad for Mia, but she has a blind eye when it comes to these people. I spoke to her and she got upset and I finally told her exactly what the blonde said. She was very hurt. Now she won't speak to me.
I got a call from Mia and she told me what happened on her date with Ethan, what I found out later is that her gold digging friends are only friends with her so she will buy them things and treat them whenever they run into her at places. I suspect someone is giving them a heads up and padding the bills. I told her to stop paying for anything and she will know her true friends are. I guess she and Ana exchanged numbers and are getting together today. Ana said Mia needs some normal structure in her life and seeing the hospice children might make her realize what is truly important in the world.
Mia called me crying because she found out people who were supposed to be her friends weren't her friends. I told her to have me go with her the next time she is someplace and I would make sure these friends would not be using her again.
My plan included showing up and having a meal and go shopping afterwards and her leaving her credit cards home. So when the bills came due I was paying for only hers and mine. Talk about embarrassing the gold digging friends male and female. They even tried to do it when we bought clothing. I made a point of letting each place know that we were only paying for Mia and my food and drinks and no one else's and then let the sales people know only Mia and my purchases were being paid for by me. Lol
I found a new friend one that thinks of me and the fact people are taking advantage of my generosity. Ana helped find out who my real friends are and aren't. Talk about hostile voice mails, Ana said save them and play them back when needed. Basically when they tried to snivel their way back into my life. I thought one friend since kindergarten was a true friend, but found out quite differently. She just wants Christian and his billions. I am just her way to accomplish that goal.
I had Mia working hard at the hospice, well if you call cheering up desperately sick kids up hard work that is. It is quite emotionally draining. She went away knowing that others have it far worse than having users as ex friends. She's going to visit once a week, they loved her.
We missed her family dinner, but we gained a lot by seeing the kids smile and laughing. Of course I fell asleep on my drive home and my driver led me to my room. Poor soul, I need to give him a raise.

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