Grace knows not what she does.

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Well if Ana thinks an in with my mother will get her in good with me, she is delusional I tell Mia.
I am not telling him the truth in the matter, because I am bored and want to see how this works out. Plus I need victims for my auctions. This year we have both men and women all single of course auctioned off for the first dance.
So how do the auctions work or can I just donate.
Well one is a dance auction and both single men and woman are bid on for the first dance. Can we count on you?
Absolutely not, sorry. I broke my ankle dancing so I will just donate. Can't  take the risk.
Hello mother.
Christian let me introduce you to Anastasia Steele, you know the Kavanaughs.
Hi, very nice mom but not falling for this. I just sit and smile at everyone. Mom is trying to get Ana and I to engage in conversation and I just can't.
I excuse myself to the powder room and talk to myself, I could be watching paint dry somewhere else. I am not unaware of the hostility coming off Christian and it seems directed at me for some odd reason.
I see a good friend of mine and stop and chat with him for a while. The dinner bell has rang so I go back to the table.
Wow just wow this is the worst night ever. Elliott is annoying as usual, but I think I might have a story idea.
So Kate do you like sports? As in going to see a game or two with me possibly? I see her frown then suddenly she says sure why not.
Dr Grey has a huge smile on her face. Lady it's a game not a marriage proposal. I tell Ana she looks great in the outfit she has on rather than the one she chose because it was on clearance.
Yes and I need to pay you for it, I am able to afford it and then some. If you give me your contact information I can mail you a check. It does outshine the other outfit by a whole lot I must say. You and Nina were right. I drive Nina crazy when I shop there. Here is my card just call me and set something up and I will treat you to lunch. The club near the hospital is nice if you like. I have a standing reservation any day or time I wish.
How did you get that?
That I can't divulge, I chuckle. If you wish I can ask them to add you as my guest any time.
Wait I can't even get that, how is it that you rate that?
I smile and say that's between God and others. My oath prevents further comment on it.
Hey I went to college with the owner and still can't get that.
Must be nice Ana and he smiles.
It is, but I rarely find the time to go. I usually have a quick meal that I bring from home.
Grandma T
Ana can we join you for a meal some day? I would love to hear about your hospice work.
Sure call me at this number and arrange it. If you want maybe we can arrange a tour of the new place before it opens up. I think Elliott has an idea when it will be done right?
Wait you are the one who commissioned the kids hospice. I think the kids will love it. Such a happy place.
Omg I saw something about that place recently. It's going to be free and only the best and brightest with good attitudes will be working there. So is there other things you are working on now?
Well once we have it in full operation we are going to create a special amusement park if we can get the land by it for the right amount. I am hoping for the best. But who knows when I will get that in the works. Due to the kids health we need it close by. But I may look at other options. But Elliot you are on my list to create it with me.
Thanks Ana, we do our best. I grin at her. We could be good friends. I have you number and would love to see what other ideas you have.
Oh you would bring a lot to what I am creating.
Okay ladies and gents, time for the dance auction.
Singles let's go. Chop chop.
Mia I have a problem and can't dance. Last time I broke an ankle. I can't and won't chance it. My patients need me active.
Oh right she gets out of it, but I can't.
Well she has a point. You can run your business in a cast, she can't.
They earn a lot of money on the auctions. Christian is far from happy with his partner. He finally had to have his security remind her it was one dance not a lifetime commitment.
I nod to Sawyer and he brings the check for 2million dollars and hands to Grace.
Omg Ana thank you so much. I will be on your ward tomorrow. Want lunch?
Sure, just come find me. I have to leave now.
Mia and I bid on each other, what are the odds. Kate left with Elliott.
Well two down, but don't see Ana. Going for Christian.

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