Kates meltdown

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Omg I am having a shotgun wedding. Is he marrying only because I am pregnant?
Kate remember he asked before you found out, so the answer is a huge No. So get in that dress get all your old, new, borrowed and blue on and let's get going. The man is waiting down there along with all your guests. Don't make me go Ramba on you right now, it won't be pretty. You made me wear this freaking dress so let's get my embarrassment out of the way and the ooohs and ahhhs at your gorgeousness out of there and get you hitched dammit. NOW.
Omg I thought we had a runner thanks Ana.
Ana Me too, follow me. I head down the aisle and smile at Elliott and stand near the altar. Kate finally makes it to Elliott and he jokes about her not standing him up today.
You look great El Preggo and they both chuckle. Glad you could make it.
I give him a big kiss and say wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Three minutes later and we are pronounced and announced Mr and Mrs Elliott Kavanagh Grey.
After dinner, we cut the cake and throwing the garter and bouquet. Of course Kate hit me in the face with the bouquet, how subtle can she be. Mia had no chance, Kate has a good arm from all the sports she played all her life. Evan wanted a son and finally got one. But apparently he wanted his daughter to be good at sports too. Christian ducked the garter toss. Elliott and Kate are like pieces of a puzzle that fell in place easily.
Well that's done and now Ethan is next, but we don't have to worry about his wedding for a while. Evan is sighing. He told me that Ana threatened to go Ramba (female Rambo) on Kate to get her to the altar.
I head to my dear wife and kiss her sweetly and bless the day she fell in love with me and actually married me. Today makes me glad she broke up with the fool she was engaged to. Her parents weren't happy, but she said she had someone else in mind as her life mate and that was me.
Whew, it's over and now we can relax. Elliott was panicking thinking Kate would leave him at the altar.
I do love seeing my gorgeous wife all decked out like she is today. I can't wait to get her alone. Which will be soon.
Mia looks hot today, but so does Ana. Glad I didn't bring a date today. Lots of lovely ladies here and think I am going let them come to me to dance.
Look at Ethan scoping out the females today. Well I brought a date and he is a good guy. We will be dancing a lot today.
I have to get away from here these guys think I am a sure thing being the unmarried bridesmaid. Someone sometime someplace said to another male that the single women at wedding give it up easily. Really stupid of them, because I am not one of them. One more guy hits on me and I am out of here. Oh good here comes my last victim.
Well so far I danced with Kate and my family. I watch as Ana turns down another potential suitor. She gets up and heads for the exit and says her farewells to both sets of parents. She definitely looks good even in that awful dress. What was Kate thinking. I tried to skip out earlier, but I was told I had to stay until after the couple left. So now I think it's safe to say they left the party.

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