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The base was quiet and nerve-wracking. I'm sure they only had a night watch crew on duty while everyone else was sleeping. We sneaked down each hall towards the storage room according to the map Ashley gave us. With it we found the correct room rather quickly. As we entered the room we set to work.

"Holy Crap! Look at all this iron, gold, and diamonds!" Said Steve as he began to fill his inventory.

"There is a lot of redstone materials in here along with building materials. We will be able to build a fort," Josh said excitedly as new ideas began to flow through his head.

"I got all the food and emeralds too!" Steve exclaimed.

"I can get all of their brewing items as well," Josh said as he maxed out his inventory.

"I'll leave my inventory clear so I can grab the loot that enemies may drop," I said checking my inventory.

"Sounds good," Steve said as he opened the last chest in the room. As soon as he opened the chest an alarm began blaring throughout the entire base.

"GOSH DANGIT STEVE!" Josh yelled at Steve after he opened the last chest.

"Sorry," Steve said in a fake crying voice.

"Doesn't matter. We need to go. NOW!" I said as I sprinted out the door and down the hall with the two of them following me. I heard the sound of running feat and shouts coming from in front of me. I turned and bolted down a side hall with two of them in tow. Nearing the door I could start to make out a sign saying, "Dogfights." I busted through the door and found that we were on the side of the main building. The side of the building was covered in pens and little arenas. In one of the pens I could make out a dog with almost no health and with the look of abandonment.

"Steve give me some steak. Josh I'm going to need some bones." I said already heading towards the dog. They both gave me a curious look, but did what they were told. "Go on ahead. I will catch up in few minutes." I said picking up the items and placing them in my hand.

Getting to the side of the dog, it growled at me for a couple seconds before giving up and laying its head down. I began feeding the dog the meat until his health was completely restored and I tamed him with the bones Josh gave me.

"Let's go buddy," I said as I patted his head and started running towards the oncoming battle.

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