Inbetween Chapters Part 2

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Castiel groaned out Dean's name once more as he came, his hands gripping Dean's hair as he did.

Dean lifted his head from between his boyfriends legs, sporting a grin "What was that- your third orgasm?"

Castiel pulled his shorts up "Shut up." He blushed red, watching Dean roll off the bed in search for his shirt. He couldn't help but stare at his boyfriends nicely defined stomach and the V that countinued into his boxers.

"That's a weird way to say thank you."  Castiel rolled his eyes "Maybe because I'm not thanking you." Even though Dean gave the best head he's ever had.

Dean chuckled at Cas, bringing his head up to flash a smile, all teeth. "What are you doing?" Castiel asked and Dean sighed deeply, shrugging as his eyes wondered "My sh-" He stopped himself short as his fell on Castiel.

"Shirt." Castiel was wearing Dean's worn out grey AC/DC shirt, the one he was looking for and he looked fucking adorable in his dark briefs, Dean had more muscle than Castiel so his shirt size was a little bigger and it fell just over his thighs.

His usually pale cheeks were pink and his hair was dishevelled, sticking up every which way, "Oh, did you want-" Castiel started, offering to give it back.

"No- no, it's fine," Dean shook his head crawling back into bed, "I can sleep shirtless" They both sat up against the headboard and pulled the sheets up, they sat in an awkward silence not really knowing what to do after their mini oral sex marathon.

Castiel nervously fumbled with his thumbs "..Dean can I ask you a question?"

Dean nodded fast "Yeah- sure"

"Why don't we have..actual sex?"

Dean instantly felt himself get smaller "I'm not ready to..I don't want our first time to be so rushed, I don't want to hate it."

Castiel nodded in understanding, their relationship was relatively new so they were still getting to know everything.

Suddenly Dean was grabbing him by his hair and pushing their lips together, kissing Castiel softly, "Just because I'm not ready doesn't mean I don't find you incredibly hot, and one day I am going to make love to you so hard" Castiel giggled under Dean at the way his boyfriend said the words "You're ridiculous."

"Yeah, ridiculously in love with you."

Castiel blinked " still mean it?" Dean nodded, kissing Castiel's cheek "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

"..Can I ask you one more question?"

Dean rolled off of Castiel "Um, sure."

"Where do you stand on spooning?"

Dean's lips broke out into a smile "I'm definitely little spoon- after all my tongue is throbbing from all that work."

Castiel shoved him playfully as they started to lay down properly, Cas wrapped his arm around Dean, pulling him close "Hey Dean?"

"Yeah angel?"

"I love you too."

Dean grinned like an idiot into the pillow "I know Cas"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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