Chapter 6: Surprise!

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When Sam woke up it was to the smell of bacon..and pancakes and maybe eggs?

It caused him to frown because- one Dean would be too lazy to cook and two- their parents weren't getting back from their work trip anytime soon so who in hell was making delicious food?

He stumbled out of bed and followed the delicious smell all the way downstairs and into the kitchen. He found a dark haired man standing over the stove happily humming as he flipped another pancake over and Dean was sitting at the table and waiting for his breakfast while he carelessly flipped through pages of his English homework.

Sam knew exactly who that man was.

"Michael!" He exclaimed running into the kitchen "Morning Sammy" Michael smiled embracing Sam's hug "What the hell?!- Mom and Dad never told us you were coming" Michael was their eldest brother, being four years older than Dean and six years older than Sam and he was kind of like the golden child.

When he was eighteen he left for college and they didn't see him for a while except for family holidays but they hadn't spoken to him since the move from Lawrence.

"That would be my fault." Dean raised his hand "I think I was supposed to tell you like..last week?"

Sam rolled his eyes, of course Dean would forget "Why are you here?" He asked and Michael shrugged "Well mom asked me to check up on you guys and I was already in town so..."

Dean scoffed "More like mom didn't trust us to take care of the new house by ourselves."

Michael waved the spatula flippantly "Well if you want to put it that way." Dean flipped him off though affectionately "Wait what do you mean you were already in town?" Sam pipped up and Michael's face went crimson "I was visiting someone."

"Who?" Sam and Dean both said in unison.

"A friend okay?" Michael muttered placing their breakfast plates on the table. "A girlfriend?" Dean teased but Michael didn't falter until Sam spoke "Ooh a boyfriend?!" He said more teasingly, he didn't usually act like this but when the three brothers were together he couldn't help himself.

Michael sighed sitting down and reaching for the orange juice "Maybe, it's still new okay- just eat your breakfast." But sadly that wasn't the end of it, he was teased for the whole morning.

Ugh brothers


Meanwhile Gabriel was having the best morning of his life; he stood in the long of hall of bedrooms clanging two pans together as he walked up and down the place "WAKEY WAKEY BITCHES!" He yelled repeatedly and laughing to himself every few minutes.

"Oh my god Gabriel it's Saturday fuck off!!" Anna yelled from her room "You're gonna wake Hanna!"

He opened her room door "She's at daycare so wakeup!" He yelled again and Anna got up from her bed stomping over to the door and slamming it in his face.

He laughed; oh he loved torturing his siblings but they all knew that it was just in good fun. After awhile Gabriel stopped with the noise and made breakfast which unsurprisingly got them to wake up so they were all currently sprawled out in the living room watching Pretty Little Liars.

"I bet you fifty Lucas is A!" His younger brother Alfie challenged.

"I bet you sixty that it's Melissa!" Anna said and Cas rolled his eyes "Guys it's obviously Walden."

Gabriel scoffed, idiots he thought "I bet you all a hundered dollars each it's ----" He said and they all laughed at him swearing it couldn't be ----

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