Chapter 9: Awkward

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One day before Halloween


Gabriel spent most of his night thinking about the kiss he had shared with Sam, it was more romantic then sexual and it made him feel vulnerable- almost weird even, especially when his heart started to speed up just at the touch of the boy. He wanted so badly to hate it but he couldn't- he was so torn by it he didn’t even feel like bragging about it Cas, for the second time in his life he wasn't in control and it terrified him.

After dropping Sam off with Dean and Cas he drove himself home, not trusting himself to be around Sam for any longer. He wondered what the kiss had mean't to Sam- if it did mean anything.

Could've just been using Gabriel as a distraction from his Jess drama-not that Gabriel could be angry about that, he was trying to manipulate Sam into sex- which was admittedly worse.

It was about seven when he got home after making stop for a pack of cigarettes and some snacks, he headed inside setting his things down on the table by the door, he found his siblings huddled up in the living room watching tv.

He tapped Anna on the shoulder and she pulled down her headphones, "Oh you're back." Gabriel nodded "Has Han eaten yet?"

"Yeah I fed her about an hour ago- showered too." He quitely thanked her and went to pick up their little sister from the floor "Gabbie!" She laughed.

"Bedtime missy." He said and she shook her head "I'm not tired" She tried with a yawn and Gabriel chuckled to himself "Han you have to go to sleep."

"Why?" She whined and Gabriel sighed walking them over to grab his things from the door and head upstairs "Because so you can big and strong like superwoman!" He spun her around and she giggled "All superheros need sleep" He entered her room and placed her on the bed.

"Okay." She yawned, he smiled gratefully and picked a small piece of candy out of his bag giving it to her she smiled "Don't tell your sister." He said, knowing Anna's dislike of his sugary ways. He tucked her in "Lights out missy, I'll be checking on you soon"

"G'night G-Gabbie"

Gabriel flipped on the lamp by her bedside and left the room to his own, Dickie sat up almost instantly, strutting over from his little dog bed to nuzzle at Gabriel's leg.

"Hey buddy" He huffed a small smile bending down to pet him, the dog let out a pleased sound and leaned into Gabriel's touch.

He stood up and let out a long breath "Fuck" He muttered, throwing his stuff on to the bed he changed into some more comfortable clothes and reached into the bag for the pack of cigs he had bought and a Monster.

He walked over to the his window pulling it open he sat on the ledge lighting his cigarette, he rested his head on the wall as he stared out the window, there was only one person  he was thinking of.


Why was he so caught up on Sam?- everything thing about the boy made his heart want to jump out of his chest.

His smile, his kaleidoscope eyes- that sweet laugh, Gabriel couldn't get enough of it, he sighed blowing the smoke out the window, his unwanted thoughts were cut short by the sound of his phone ringing- but not the one in his pocket.

His work phone, he hopped off the ledge to answer it "Dad?"

"Hey Gabe- just calling to make sure you've looked at those documents I sent you."

Documents?- Gabriel thought for a moment before he froze remembering that his dad has sent him some papers to look over before his meeting- he was supposed to get them done but forgot.

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