Chapter 19: Forgive Me?

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To Sam: 'Can we meet up?'




From Sam 'Where?'


Sam took a deep breath- he could do this, Gabe just wanted to talk- and he could do that talk. I mean it's not like he wanted to make the first move anyways, he was just..scared- he knew the second he looked into Gabriel's eyes or Gabe spoke..he would fold like a piece of paper

He checked the clock by his bedside, 5:01 am- fuck it was early- but early was..good- yeah good. He wouldn't be able to sleep anyways so against his better judgement he took a shower and changed into some clean clothes before crawling out in the morning through his window to meet up with Gabriel.

They decided to meet in the woods where they had their first date, well it was more Gabriel's choice than Sam's. "Hey" Sam said when they came face to face, "Hey" Gabe said awkwardly, the atmosphere was so thick you could cut it was a knife.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"No..?" Gabe scoffed at the obvious uncertainty in Sam's voice "Sam I understand, you get to be pissed just don't lie to me about it, even my dog hates me."

"He can't hate you Gabe."

"Then why does he look at me like I denied him one of his favourite treats- which I never do." He said "Seriously everyone thinks that I'm an idiot, for what I did to you."

Sam frowned, everyone- who else knew? "Who's everyone?" Gabriel sighed "My mom for one- yeah she misses the heck out of you- you know how hard it was to tell her that it's my fault one of the best things that has ever happened to me hates me?"

Sam ignored the way his stomach flipped at Gabe's words "I don't hate you Gabe- strongly dislike at the moment? - yes but I could never hate you." He sighed "Look, I'm not going to be that person that won't let you explain why you did what you did- so explain."

Gabriel took a deep fuckin' breath "-Yes at first it was just about getting you to fall in love with me so I could sleep with you, but then we actually got to know each other and-" He tried to find the right words "..-You're different Sam-I have never once felt this way about anyone-"

Sam avoided Gabriel's eyes to keep from crying, "Felt what way Gabe?- because apparently I was just another conquest to you." Gabriel shook his head "No Sam- I'm not a guy who gets these kind of feelings at all- and I have tried so hard to push them away but I couldn't because-I realised.." He sighed "I don't want to."

"Sometimes I look at you and it's like I forget how to breathe for a second- you do that to me- make my heart hurt but it is so fucking worth it.."

"Gabe..I" He was at a loss for words, Sam thought about it for a little bit, he mulled over everything Gabriel and him had together- maybe it wasn't real at the start but it sure as hell felt real now "I..I believe you- and you might be a dick..but I guess I also forgive you."

Gabriel was kind of stunned "You- do?" Sam smiled and walked up to him "Yeah I do dumbass." He kissed Gabriel lightly pulling away they just hovered close "You taste like candy." Sam whispered and Gabriel smiled, happy just to have Sam in his arms again "You taste like icecream."

They both grinned momentarily before attacking each other's lips, they made their way to Gabriel's car kissing against the door before Gabe finally pushed it open, he scooted inside the backseat and Sam crawled on top of him. They made out feverishly, pawing at each other, Gabriel pulled off Sam's jacket and then his shirt, Sam helped him take his off and they parted to get their pants off

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