Chapter 1- First Day

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Sam stood outside of his new school 'Souix Falls High' looking at it through his camera before clicking the button and taking a shot of it. He wasn't big on photography at all but it was becoming a calming hobby, especially since he had to use the camera his older brother had gotten him on their last Christmas.

His family had just moved a few days ago for no reason other than his dad saying that they 'needed a change' though he called it bullshit but at least it got him away from his own problems. He didn't like new places much, he didn't know anybody or have any friends which didn't really matter considering recently he'd be kind of a loner anyway even if his brother Dean thought it was unhealthy.

Sam idly wandered the halls of his new school confused and slightly nervous since his brother had left him to head to his own class. Sam stood outside the door of his first class -english- taking in a shaky breath before placing his hand on the door handle, gently pushing it down and walking in.

Luckily the teacher wasn't in the class yet so he quitely made his way to the first empty seat he saw and began to wait patiently, "Nice camera" The girl sitting next to him said and Sam's eyes looked to her, - she had bright curly red hair with bangs that almost covered her eyebrows and she happened to be wearing a shirt with a reference to one of Sam's favourite tv shows on it.

"You hoping to be a photography major or something?" She asked playfully and Sam shook his head "Nope, I just like to take pictures you know 'capture the moment'." He joked and the girl flashed a smile "Maybe you could take a few pictures of me sometime."

He nodded, not considering the girl's words or body language as flirting "I will definitely take you up on that sometime- I'm Sam." He said introducing himself, the girl smiled "I'm Charlie." She said and went back to tapping her pencil on her desk, a few seconds later she sighed and turned back to Sam "Hey you should totally come and hang with me and my friends at lunch later, we could always use a new face." She offered kindly.

Sam frowned for a moment, was she trying to be friends with him? "Uh- yeah sure." He answered awkwardly though happy that he'd been invited to not have to sit alone at lunch even though he would be okay alone anyways.

"Gabriel Novak, just because you're father may be a important person to this town does not mean that you can skip class." Their teacher said angrily as he entered the room holding a student by his jacket, Sam's eyes ran over the boy, his short height, his pretty shoulder length fluffy honey blonde hair fell covering his left eye, his fit build and somewhat colorful choice of clothing- the jean jacket with different stickers and pins on it, a bright yellow shirt and slightly ripped denim jeans, -very eighties- Sam thought. 

"I wasn't skipping- I told you I had a sick note." The boy Sam heard to be Gabriel defended himself poorly. The teacher rolled his eyes "Take a seat Mr Novak." He said pushing Gabriel towards his desk, Gabriel sighed muttering something under his breath before taking his seat at the back of the class.

Sam shifted closer to Charlie "Hey what's his deal?" He whispered and Charlie leaned closer to him "Gabriel Novak-he is every teachers worst nightmare, he's got like five other siblings and he is the worst out of all of them, he's bit of a trickster especially loving giving bullies their 'just desserts'." She explained and Sam's eyes glanced towards Gabriel who was eye flirting with the girl sitting next to him, Charlie chuckled before adding "And he has slept with almost everybody here- you don't want to go down that road, trust me."

Sam's eyes widened "Oh god no-he seems like an ass anyway." He said and he mean't it, dating was the last thing on his mind, Charlie raised a brow but sighed and looked back to the teacher "Okay."


Turns out Sam and Charlie had quite a few classes together so they were pretty much with each other all day, they spent most of the time getting to know one other and become quick friends since they had a lot of the same things incommon.

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