Chapter 16: Homecoming

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It was the night before Homecoming when Sam was gifted with a box at his door. It was sitting there when him and Dean got back from the Novak's, they were hanging out till late with all the Novak siblings and watching movies.

Sam tiredly picked up the box and they entered the house "What's in the box?" Dean asked like he was just seeing it for the first time, Sam shrugged "Don't know."

He looked at the velvet blue box and frowned, he set it down on the table and Dean stared at him waiting for Sam to do something "-Well open it!"

Sam rolled his eyes but nonetheless began to open the box, he gasped a little seeing that a nice and probably expensive deep blue suit sat inside "Holy shit." Dean gaped, not able to help himself as a chuckle left his mouth "There's a note."

Sam blinked, he picked up the note and unfolded it 'Can't wait to see you in this' -Richard ;)

Dean frowned at the name, "Who's Richard?" Sam was struggling to keep in a giggle at the inside joke "No one." He muttered "I'm gonna go now." He said hurriedly and took with him the box. Gabriel really didn't have to send him a nice suit, if he hadn't already made it clear he liked the older boy a lot and was going with him to Homecoming because he really wanted to.

Dean shook his head disprovingly, following Sam upstairs so he could get to bed, grumbling to himself "'M too fuckin tired for this shit."


"Oh my god Gabe hurry up!" Charlie screeched for the hundredth time, banging on his door Gabriel rolled his eyes "You can't rush perfection Charlie!"

He set his lip balm and turned around and looked into his long mirror, he had dyed his hair back to honey blonde and was sporting a black blazer, over a white dress shirt tucked into nicely fitting black slacks.

He fluffed his locks and appreciated his outfit one more time before he finally opened the door "Fina-fucking-ly!" Charlie exclaimed hearing his footsteps as he came down the stairs.

She herself was in a light red burgundy off the shoulder lace tulle short dress with a fluffy bottom and her hair was in a nice bun with a few front strands down in her face- she even wore small gold coloured earings.

Castiel who was also waiting for Gabriel had also put in effort; he was clean of peircings and his hair was styled sexy and messy- just like he knew Dean liked, he was wearing a black dress shirt untucked, ripped jeans and a green tie that resembled the color of Dean's eyes

Charlie blinked, "Woah when did you get classy?" Gabriel grinned at her "If that's your way of saying I look hot as hell, then thank you" He smiled and came down the stairs with a huff "So where's the booze?"

Castiel rolled his eyes at him "Gabriel- no." Gabriel shrugged his shoulders "What?- I'm not going to my highschool dance sober." He said looking for a good bottle of his dad's alcohol, Charlie tsked "I'm with Gabe- gimme."

Gabriel smiled proudly and handed her the bottle, she took a big swig and both boys chuckled when she sputtered a little "Slow down Charles." He took the bottle from her and took a drink.

As the two passed the bottle Cas' phone rang and he answered with a disappointed sigh "Hello Sam?"

"Has Gabe tried to back out yet?"

"No not yet- but considering his current activities you might want him to."

"Oh god- what is he doing?"

"Him and Charlie are just getting drunk."

"That's just great."

Castiel couldn't help but chuckle at Sam's defeated tone "How's it going over there?"                

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