Chapter 8: Halloween

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This is kind of just a filler chap for Halloween so enjoy!

Ugh it was Halloween, Sam's least favourite day of the year, normally he'd ignore all the parties and dress up but apparently at Souix Falls high it was mandatory to come in costume on Halloween

Which meant everyone was excited about it but him

He sighed as he walked into school -in costume- and up to his group of friends who were all happily chatting

Charlie was Hermirone Granger, Jo was Gwen Stacy -spider girl- Meg, one of Cas and Gabriel's friends had dyed her hair blond and gone as harlequin from Suicide Squad and Gabriel was- The mad hatter?

He had on the big hat over his pink hair, no white face paint just light red eyeshadow, and the rest of the mad hatters crazy clothes, and surprisingly he looked pretty good

"Sammy!- you came I half thought you were gonna bail" Gabriel smiled; he knew of Sam's dislike of Halloween so he didn't expect him to show

Sam nodded "Yup"

"Who are you supposed to be?" Charlie asked waving her wand in the air "Well Hermirone..if you must know" He gestured slightly to himself, he was wearing one of Dean's white football jerseys -7 Winchester- with the shoulder pads and everything including white shorts with knee pads and black lines on his face -two on each side-

"I'm the average jock stereotype- or you know Dean" They laughed "Where is Dean?" Jo frowned and just then the boy came into the frame startling them, with hair from the 90s and fake blood on the corner of his white tee and little bit on his denim jeans


Gabriel nodded knowing exactly who Dean was "Billy Loomis, nice"

Sam just shook his head and rolled his eyes "Who's Sam supposed to be?" He asked and Sam smiled sarcastically "You"

"Hey losers" Cas grinned walking up to them; he was in a white dress shirt, black jeans and a black blazer

"Lemme're Brendon Urie?" Charlie said and Cas gasped dramatically "How'd you know?!"

"You guys are coming to our Halloween party right?" Gabriel asked "You're throwing a party?" Sam frowned

"Hells yeah- we do every year- we throw the best parties"

Jo nodded "He's not kidding Novak parties are the best parties"


More like Novak parties are the loudest parties

Sam thought, thinking back to what Jo had said, he stalked around large house after turning down the 3rd drunk girl that hit on him, he opened another door looking for Dean or Cas or someone he actually knew but the only people there were some random people making out in the upstairs closet

He sighed and walked along the large hall opening another door he found a drunk Dean going down on some girl and he didn't even notice that Sam had opened the door but then quickly slammed it closed "Oh fuck no" He muttered- eyes wide

"You okay Samich?" Gabriel asked walking up the stairs and Sam huffed "Yeah I'm fine"

Gabriel noticed the tiredness in his voice "Come on let's go somewhere more quiet" Gabriel said leading them to his room an locking the door so they wouldn't be interupted "What's going on?"

Sam sat on the bed "Nothing...I just, Halloween isn't really my thing'"

"C'mon!- Halloween is awesome, the candy, the costumes- the gore" Gabriel exclaimed, Sam chuckled softly "Yeah I used to think that too-.. you know, when I was seven I dressed up like batman and Dean told me I could fly so I jumped off of our shed and broke my arm"

Gabriel laughed "Oh my god really?!" Sam nodded "Yeah.."

"So is that why you hate Halloween?'"

Sam shook his hesd "No..that's another story"

"Then tell me"

Sam sighed "It's embarrassing" Gabriel shrugged popping a loli in his mouth "Even better"


"Please!- what if I share a secret of my own"

Sam squinted "Go on.."

"No one really knows this name isn't actually Gabriel"

Sam furrowed his eyebrows

"Gabriel is the name my adopted parents gave me I was actually named after my biological grandfather, Richard"

Sam smiled holding in a small laugh "Your name's Richard?"

He gave a small nod "I never liked the name so my mom came up with a new one and I kinda stuck with it"

"..Okay well fair is fair" With a sigh he began his story "I was 13 and had a huge crush on this girl Andrea and she was throwing a Halloween party, so obviously I went..we played to some games and then- bobbing for apples.." He winced "I had been nervous the whole time because I really liked her so my stomach was... then when it was my turn...I.."

Gabriel's eyes widened slightly "Don't tell me you...?"

"I threw up- breakfast, lunch, dinner, all of it just came out- mostly on Andrea- I was so embarrassed I ran out into the woods until Dean came and found me"

Gabriel laughed "That's why you hate Halloween?- because you puked on some chick?!" He shook his head "No that's not exceptabe- next year we're going all out.. screw some huge party, just us- and I guess our friends can come too or whatever- but I promise you Sam Winchester you are going to have the best Halloween of your life"

Sam smiled sheepishly at him "Thanks...Richard"

Gabriel's smiled faded "Seriously- I'm trying to be nice and you have to pull that?"

Sam snickered "Sorry I had to- I promise I'll never call you that again"


"Unless I'm mad at you" He added quickly, and Gabriel flipped him off standing up from his chair "I'm gonna change gimme a sec" He muttered and ran into the bathroom coming out in a soft hoodie and pajama shorts, he switched on the tv and got into bed with Sam patting he bed lightly "Come on"


"Those idiots aren't gonna leave anytime soon and I have a ton of snacks hidden in here- so let's wait it out"

Sam smiled a little "Okay" He said cuddling up with Gabriel "Have you ever watched Scream?" Gabriel asked grabbing the remote

"Just the first one"

"Then you are in for a treat Winchester"

They managed to watch 3 movies without falling asleep, and between all of Gabriel's yelling at the tv and obnoxiously loud chewing to piss Sam off, he had a really great time with Gabriel

The best part of the night was when he fell asleep in the older boys arms breathing softly into his hoodie

It was definitely a Halloween to remember


I did it- I actually fucking did it!- I wrote a Halloween chapter in three hours with time to spare

I need a fucking award

Anyways I hope you all have/had a lovely Halloween


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