Chapter 106: New Mission

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I ran out of the crowd and looked around.

Yup. He's gone.

I sighed.

~Time Skip~
I ran inside the agency and saw Kunikida, Junichiro, Akiko, F/n, and Ranpo. They were looking at me.

"Oh, Y/n. You're here." Kunikida said.

"Where's Dazai?" I asked.

"He went to go investigate something. He'll be back soon." He explained.

"Y/n." Ranpo said. "We need you to do something."

"Oh, what?" I asked.

"Something tells me Sc/n might know something about what's happening.." Ranpo said, "I can feel it.. We need you to go see him."

"What? Why me?!" I asked.

"Y/n. You're the only one that can make him talk." F/n said.

"But with everything happening right now, I should stay!" I said, "I could help!"

I can't say I might know what's happening with Kunikida, Akiko, and Junichiro here..

"Y/n. You're playing a big part in this." Ranpo said.

"I am?"

"Sc/n could know what's happening with the president. Something just tells me he knows what's happening.."

"And if he doesn't? It'd just be a waste." I said.

"Y/n. It's for the agency." F/n said.

.....She has a point.

"Fine. I'll do it." I said.

~Time Skip~
"....Found it." Ranpo said.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He's in a mental hospital in Okinawa."

"Okinawa? That's not far by plane.." I mumbled.

"Alright, you can see him there then."


"Oh, and one more thing, Y/n." Ranpo said.


"....You might wanna dress formally."

"Like what?"

F/n gave me a pair of clothes. A pair of dark navy blue heels were on top of them.

"Oh...thanks." I say.

"Now go."


"Yes, now go."

"Uh, okay. See ya soon.." I mumbled and left the room.

I immediately ran into the bathroom and started changing.

Once I was done I looked at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing a white long sleeve dress shirt with a straight dark navy blue skirt reaching just above my knees. I had a black tie around my neck and the dark navy blue heels on.

Geez... This skirt feels a bit weird..

I walked out of the bathroom and saw F/n.

"Y/n." She said.


"Just know that it's gonna take a lot of convincing to get those workers to let you see Sc/n." She said, "He's probably the most dangerous one in there."

I nodded.

"Oh.. and I wanted to give you this." She put something in my hand.

I looked at it and blinked in surprised.

It was a picture of me and Dazai on a rooftop. He was intertwining my fingers with his.

This is the time me and Dazai faked being sick back in November..

I looked at F/n.

"Heh... It was that time I took that picture and ruined the moment for you two.." She said while scratching the back of her head.

"How long have you had this?" I asked her.

"For a while, I completely forgot I had it though.." She took my sweater and leggings that were folded out of my hands. "Now go."

I nodded and walked away.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now