Part 1

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The street was empty as the short figure swiftly stepped out of the black car, which then disappeared into the distance. The only sound to be heard was the steady footsteps of the man. It was not long before he reached a door to a tall gray building, with a few windows letting out light. The man stopped in front of a door, pulling out a key and turning it in the doorknob. Bright lights blinked on with a flick of his hand.

The man walked through the apartment hallway, stopping at the mirror. In it, he saw his bright green eyes and hair, with 4 freckles on each cheek. He looked young like he could be in high school. Who knew he would live over 200 years.

He slipped off his shoes and put them away before dropping off the rest of his stuff. The apartment was already mostly stocked, so he didn't bring much with him. The bed was already made when he had gotten back so there was no need for that. Tired, he slipped into bed and was out almost immediately.

The next morning was peaceful, but he thought it was time to change that. Smirking, he decided to place a call to a certain chimera down at UA.


Nezu was encrypting the files to all of his blackmail when the phone rang. He paused and looked at the caller ID before answering. This was going to be interesting.

"Hello, Izuku-sensei."

"Hello, Nezu. Tell me, how is UA doing?"

"Perfectly fine. As I'm sure you know, the entrance exams are in just a few short days, so preparations are being made. Why is it you ask?" Nezu knew that his mentor never did anything without a reason, and that reason, more often than not, scared everyone.

"Oh well, I think my time traveling has come to an end and wanted to see if you had any use for one more teacher. I think it is time to start teaching the next generation of heroes once again."

This was certainly not how Nezu thought today would go, but he was pleasantly surprised for once. Izuku Midoriya, while not well known by the public, was one of the greatest minds in the world, maybe the best. His presence at UA would be invaluable.

"Of course we have room for you, in fact, I think we will have to bring back analysis. Nobody can teach it quite like you. And heroics would benefit from your input as well. You would be only be coming in at certain times for that, there's a new teacher."

"Great," Nezu heard Izuku laugh through the phone,"Would you like me there on the day of the entrance exams?"

The chimera smirked as he thought about the other teachers' reactions to their sensei appearing once again. Their reactions will be too funny to not take advantage of that.

"No need for that. Why don't you show up on the first day of classes instead? And don't alert anyone to your renewed status as a teacher quite yet."

"All right then." The amusement through Izuku's voice was palpable even through the phone. He figured out right away what Nezu was up to, and was obviously ready to play along.

"I am looking forward to having you teach here once more, sensei."

"As am I, Nezu."

The phone beeped as the call ended, and Nezu finally let out the cackle he had been holding in the entire conversation as his tea splashed precariously in his paw. This may be one of the most interesting years of UA yet.


Somewhere in the halls of UA...

Cementoss heard maniacal laughter as he walked the halls to Nezu's office. The hero paused before slowly backing away. As the laughter went on, you could hear his muttering,"Not today, not today, not today."

He could turn in these papers later... right now he just had to get as far away as possible for the chaos that inevitably followed that laugh.


2 days after the entrance exam...

Aizawa had just gotten into his sleeping bag when the other teachers entered the staff room. He internally groaned as Mic and Midnight started jabbering about who knows what. Aizawa loved Mic, but honestly, the volume those two emitted when together was too much sometimes. And he was supposed to deal with a whole new class along with these two? He needed more coffee. Much, much more coffee.

He knew it was only a matter of time before they decided to force him into the conversation, and a few seconds later, this proved to be correct. Present Mic nudged him on his shoulder, and Aizawa knew he had to get up before-


So. Much. Coffee.

He begrudgingly got to his feet while Mic and Midnight looked over the class lists. The enthusiastic energy of the two would have been infectious had it been anyone else. Midnight handed him his class list for the year as she went on about the joys of youth. Aizawa looked over the sheet of paper with fondness as he noticed his son's name among those on the list.

Hitoshi Shinso had been adopted by Aizawa and Present Mic years prior after an incident with a villain. It had attacked the apartment complex where the boy's family had lived, and sadly, they had not made it through the event. Aizawa and Mic had been two of the responding heroes sent. After Hitoshi's parents had died, they had found him under a pile of rubble, only 10 at the time. Somehow in the short time that the three met, Mic decided that he would be the perfect addition to their family, and so they adopted him. When they learned of his quirk and how he wanted to join UA, Aizawa immediately began training him for the entrance exam. The hard work had paid off.

"Huh, that's strange," Midnight stopped his train of thought as he looked up and saw her frowning down at the list of classes.


"There's a class titled 'Analysis' here, but no teacher name. I thought they stopped teaching it after Izuku-sensei left. Who could even teach that as well as he did?"

There was a pause as they remembered their old sensei. The green-haired man had a talent for teaching but decided to travel to I-island before heading all over the world. He had been gone long enough that the younger generation had forgotten him, but those he taught could never. The man was one of the sharpest minds in the world, and they were all lucky that he was on their side.

"I'm not sure," Aizawa admitted. Nezu had his eccentricities and keeping information until the last possible moment was one of them. You could never know what would happen when the chimera was around.

The door swung open as the other teachers filed in, commenting on their new class schedules as well. When they all realized the added class to the list, they were similarly confused. After all, Izuku-sensei couldn't be back.

...Could he?

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