Part 38

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Bakugo stormed onto the field, scowling at anyone who dared to try and meet his eyes. The half-and-half bastard was walking right behind him, finally listening to him for once. I'm going to become number one. You're all just stepping stones in my path.

The entire class had been treating him like he was some kind of baby ever since the Kamino Ward incident, and All Might's shocking secret. Asking him if he was okay, if he needed to talk to someone, if he needed anything from them. He needed for them to leave him the hell alone! Why would he want to talk with those losers when he needed to train and become stronger so he would never have to be so weak in the face of those villains again?!

Half-and-half sped up his strides until he was right next to Bakugo, looking at him with that ridiculously empty expression of his. "Bakugo, remember the plan. We have to-"

"Shut the hell up, Icyhot!" Bakugo snapped. "I don't give a flying crap about your shit plan! I don't need any of you to beat him, and I never will!"

Office Depot and Four-eyes both threw worried looks at each other, but wisely decided to remain silent. Purple Pervert was just pouting that the only girl on their team was the one he couldn't see. Bakugo wanted to punch that little piece of shit right in his sniveling face, like his mother should have done the second she saw the little pervert.

Like hell Bakugo was going to do the stupid plan they made up. Half-and-half and him were supposed to draw Izuku-sensei's attention away from the rest of their team by working together using Bakugo's explosions to add more force to Icyhot's ice. Then the rest of their team would take him out from the other side by using Hagakure's invisibility to trip him up using subtle movements while Four-eyes, Office Depot, and Pervert used their quirks to block off all exits. Then Sugar Rush, Six-arms, and Fake French could come in and take him down.

They kept going on about how they would only win if they used 'teamwork', and had a 'common mind'. Bakugo called bullshit on that. There was no way that they needed all of them to beat Izuku-sensei. Maybe the rest of those extras had to work together to do it, but he could take care of him alone. He didn't need anyone else, and he never would.

"Team two, are you ready to begin?" The assortment of students nodded, taking a rough battle stance as they waited for Izuku-sensei to appear. "Then in one, two, three... begin!"

Izuku-sensei took light steps out of the tunnel, hands clasped gently behind his back. Bakugo immediately snarled and ran at him, explosions sparking carelessly on his fingers. The audible pops and cracks filled the match area, wind whistling past his anger-filled face as he got closer and closer to his teacher.

Right as he was about to collide with the man, Izuku-sensei darted to the side, and with a startling amount of footwork, arrived right behind Bakugo and kicked him directly in the back. It sent the blonde flying forward, and he couldn't stop himself from falling face-first into the dirt. He screamed wordlessly in rage, and then immediately regretted it when dust got in his mouth.

Icyhot had taken his place, sending small chunks of ice flying towards their teacher. He was having almost no trouble evading, at one point even jumping on top of the cool shards and lunging at Half-and-half. The stupid loser's eyes widened before he scrambled out of the way. Bakugo would have never let Izuku-sensei get the best of him like that, so early in the fight...

Shut up.

"Bakugo, get back there!" Invisible Tape shouted, inadvertently giving away her position behind their teacher. There was a little eep! as Izuku-sensei swiftly reacted, sweeping his leg at seemingly thin air. Judging by the solid thump that followed, Invisible Girl had taken a tumble.

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