Part 20

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Shinso ducked behind a brick wall, panting heavily from the exertion. While he was no slouch in physical combat, he was nowhere near insane enough to think that he could beat All Might. Bakugo was just barely managing to hold him off, and he had a quirk that allowed him to have a strong offense and maneuverability. Shinso's quirk did work best in situations that caught his opponents off guard, but since All Might knew his quirk already, that option was almost completely off the table. And there was another problem, since Bakugo was trying the same thing over and over again without listening to Shinso when he tried to get him to formulate a plan. If they kept on like this, they would run out of time before they escaped or cuffed All Might.

Bakugo finally let out an explosion so large that it sent all kinds of rubble and smoke flying everywhere, giving them the perfect opportunity to regroup and form an actual plan. His hot-headed teammate, however, was obviously trying to get back to All Might and put into action some incredibly unlikely to work scheme. Shinso had to grab his arm and partially drag him away from the section and into a secluded building.

"Just what do you think you're doing, eyebags? You think that I can't do it?!" Bakugo had this enraged flare to his nostrils that made Shinso want to take at least one step back, just so he would be out of the direct line of fire. However, he did have a job to do, and he would pass this exam if it was the last thing he did. I really hope this isn't the last thing I do...

"No, I do not think you can do it. At least not the way you're doing it right now. This is All Might we're talking about. The #1 hero. Symbol of peace. If we're going to be him, we need a well thought out plan that isn't just hitting him over and over again while nothing happens. There is a chance that we might have to give up on getting the cuffs on him and focus on escaping through the gate."

Now Bakugo was even angrier. "No way in hell I'm giving up. We're oing to kick the crap out of All Might. That is the only way I'll accept victory."

"Well, then we need a plan." Shinso thought for a moment, mind racing as fast as it could. What would Izuku-sensei do...?

Shinso's mind flashed back to a week ago, when they were doing an assignment in Analysis on what would be the toughest opponent they would face and how they could overcome that. While the others were all pondering, Shinso immediately knew what opponent would be the most difficult for him, but he wasn't really sure on how to get past that difficulty. Izuku-sensei had walked over, and discussed with him a moment on what to do in that situation.

"Izuku-sensei? I know what my weakness is, but I don't really know how to overcome that. I mean, if someone knows my quirk that pretty much makes it ineffective against them, hence why my hero name is something that doesn't give it away. I can't beat them if they are physically stronger than I am."

Izuku-sensei had smiled, leaning against the desk with his arms hanging at his sides. "But just because people know what your quirk is, does that mean that they won't answer you? At any point in the fight?"

"They obviously wouldn't. If they know what my quirk is then they have a clear counter. There is just no way around it."

"Really? There hasn't ever been a time where you have answered a question without thinking about it, or even answered a question with a question unintentionally?"

Shinso remembered pausing and thinking it over before he realized Izuku-sensei was right. Just because somebody had greater physical strength and prior knowledge of what his quirk was doesn't mean that it is the end of the road for him. He just had to think of what the best solution is.

Bakugo elbowed him in the side, the blunt edge of pain snapping Shinso back to their current surroundings. He estimated that they had maybe another minute before All Might found them again and started beating the crap out of them once more. If they really wanted to win this, they would have to come up with a plan. And fast.

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