Part 62

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Around 200 years ago...

Yoichi sat on the cold floor with his head in between his knees, long past the point of crying and shaking. Now he just felt numb. All he could remember was little flashes of the past twenty-four hours, and blood.

Izuku fell to the ground and then everything was red and Yoichi couldn't stop screaming and Aki-

Yoichi shook himself out of the memory, having relived it too many times in the past few hours for it to do him any good. But it didn't stop the ever-present agony from creeping in.

Izuku is dead, dead, dead. Aki killed Izuku.

Aki gave me an ability and killed Izuku.

Yoichi didn't think it would ever come to this. Aki was a normal older brother, overprotective and doting. Aki was normal. When had it all gone so wrong?

Was it when he came home that day, late and exhausted but still triumphant? Or was it when he started asking Izuku for all of those analyses on random abilities? Or maybe he was always this way and I'm just a fool.

A fool to think that all of Aki's questions were just hypothetical. A fool to think that all of Aki's evasions and non-answers could have possibly been for anything typical.

Aki had never been typical. Maybe that wasn't as amazing as Yoichi thought it had been.

A banging sound came from outside of his metal prison and Yoichi pressed himself as far away from the the and only entrance as he could, gritting his teeth against the cold of the walls.

Nobody had opened the door in over an hour, since Aki had last come in to try and convince him of the legitimacy of their cause.

"Yoichi, see the bigger picture! Just one death is nothing in comparison to-"

"Just one death? JUST ONE DEATH?! You call Izuku just one death? God, you're beyond saving if you can say that and mean it."

Aki stared at him pittingly, and said he would come back when Yoichi was 'less emotional'. He can barely stand to see the sociopath his brother has become.

Yoichi rubbed his arms absentmindedly, a strange and curious voice musing in the back of his head whether his DNA changed to match the new ability he had been given. When Aki had come in, he explained that he had given Yoichi a stockpiling ability, though Yoichi had yelled at him before he could explain any further.

He didn't want this ability, this foreign thing living under his skin. He didn't view them as bad, but it wasn't his. Yoichi hadn't been born with it, like Aki and Izuku had.

Blood soaking into the ground, Yoichi's hands running over the rivets of red while Aki stared on impassively. Izuku's blank, dea-

Yoichi shuddered, bringing his hands up to grasp his hair, yanking and tugging at the strands in a way that always drove Aki mad.

"If you're not careful you'll tear them out of your head. I'm serious, Yoichi, stop that."

Aki could be caring when he wanted to be.

That made it so much worse.

He released a deep, stuttering breath, curling up even farther into a ball. Every few minutes, he could hear someone passing by, their footsteps muffled by the metal walls.

A minute or an hour could have passed; he has no idea. At some point, all the noise dies down and he can't hear a single thing from the outside. His quiet breaths are the only thing penetrating the bubble of silence that surrounds him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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