Part 60

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Shinso was dying.

Call his parents and tell them to contact the funeral services because there was no way in hell he was making it out of this intact.

"Here's another one for you!" Kaminari cleared his throat. "You must be tired because you've been running through my brain all night."

Shinso wheezed.

Why, oh why?

Kaminari was watching him expectantly, so Shinso collected himself as best as he could and choked out, "Yup. Yup. That's great. Truly, really, great. Um. Yeah."

The blonde grinned proudly at him. "Pretty good, right? I even customized it for you." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"That's... that's great, but..." He trailed off.

A few days ago, Kaminari walked up to him, and said, 'Somebody better call God, because he's missing an angel.'

Shinso had just stared at him for a moment, then dumbly replied, 'What?'

Kaminari's never went into detail about why he was trying out pick-up lines on him, but Shinso has long given up on getting him to stop. To be honest, he's not even sure if he wants for him to stop.

Yay. Even more confirmation that he's hopelessly into Kaminari. Isn't that just lovely.

Sometimes he really had to question his taste.

Kaminari gave him a dopey grin and Shinso unconsciously gave him a little smirk back.

Yep. Something was definitely wrong with him.

"Take your seats," his dad's dead voice droned on from the front of the room. "Today is not the day to be dawdling."

It only took a few moments for the shuffling of chairs to be over, and his dad stared directly at them from the head of the room. He seemed to be waiting for something, glancing toward the clock then the door every few moments as they all stayed awkwardly silent. Finally, Mina- the brave soldier that she is- raised her hand.

"Are we supposed to be doing anything different today?"

His dad just stared at her, then sighed. "There was supposed to be a guest appearance where we explained things, but I'll just start since they seem to be running late." Shinso could hear the undercurrent of annoyance in his voice.

"Almost all of you have your provisional hero licenses now. This means you are now eligible to begin doing actual hero work–not that it's stopped some of you already." Shinso winced. Never gonna let that go, huh? "You now have the opportunity to work with pro heroes as interns, and get some hands-on experience. This would be outside of school and you would be responsible for getting these internships yourself."

He goes on to detail some of the requirements for the internships, the qualifications each hero team has to have in order for them to be acceptable. In all honesty, Shinso zones out there for a second. He could always have his dad explain it later.

He was focused on the way Bakugo was looking down at his desktop in upset. Shinso could heat the angry tapping of his feet, and figured an outburst wasn't too far out, but he was surprised. Bakugo physically got a grip on himself, his fingertips digging white marks into his wrists. A single breath rattled out of the blonde, and he visibly relaxed.

Holy shit. What is Hound Dog putting in his tea?

"All of these–"

The door burst open, and an energetic blonde guy practically ran into the room. A few figures trailed in behind him, one girl who seemed just as bubbly as he appeared to be, and a guy that slouched in and hid from everyone's view as quickly as he could. Guess these are the guest speakers...

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