Part 2

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Hitoshi Shinso walked past the gates of UA, having successfully dodged all the reporters and kids standing outside marveling at the giant school, home to students and heroes alike. Shinso was walking across the path when some kind of commotion involving an accidental quirk activation started near the doors of UA. Startled, Shinso's foot caught on one of the bricks. He starts to fall when, suddenly, a blur of green appears in front of him and grabs his arms.

"Careful now! Are you okay?" Shinso looked up to see a boy with green hair and freckles, who looked to be about 16. His face held a pleasant smile, with a friendly air to it.

"Yeah. Just got startled there for a second. Thanks."

"No problem. It's bad luck to fall on your first day, isn't it? What course are you in?"

"Hero course. Are you a second-year student?"

"No, but I'm sure I'll be seeing you around," The boy walked off with a mischievous and enigmatic grin as the bell rang, signifying you had 10 minutes to get to class. Shinso followed after a moment with a confused look on his face as he made his way to class 1-A. What a strange guy...

The doorway to class 1-A loomed in front of him as he prepared to enter. Even though his dads had taken him to UA before, he had always just waited in the staff room while they did whatever they were called in for, and there had never been students in the building. It was like a different world.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped through the door and finally entered the classroom. Looking around, he saw that some seats had already been filled. There was a dark blue-haired guy with glasses sitting towards the back with a stiff posture; a girl with dark hair worn in a ponytail and a dual-haired boy that looked a little like a peppermint sitting next to each other in the last row, and a blonde-haired boy in the front that looked... sparkly? He chose a seat towards the middle left of the class and closed his eyes as he waited for the rest to file in.

He must've fallen into some form of sleep, because when he came to again, there was a boy with blonde hair and an attitude the size of Japan sitting in front of him. He was growling at this girl with an enthusiastic personality and brown hair.

"Excuse me! I am Tenya Ida from Somei Private Academy and the way you are disrespecting your classmates is unacceptable! Please cease this behavior at once!"

"Like I care, you damn extra. Back off before I blow you to bits!"

"That is very unhero-like! Are you sure you're in the right place?"

As all the commotion was going on, Shinso saw his dad creeping through the doorway in that yellow sleeping bag that he never left the house without. No one was sure where he put it, and everyone- including Present Mic and Shinso- was too scared to ask.

The girl shrieked as she noticed the man on the floor, sucking on a juice packet. Shinso held back a smirk as his dad climbed out of the sleeping bag and spoke in a monotone voice.

"If you are here to socialize, get out. This is the hero course. It took you eight seconds to notice me and quiet down, and it's irrational to waste time. I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa."

At these words, most of the class was in shock. After all, what kind of teacher comes to class in a sleeping bag, looking like a homeless man? Only Shinso was completely unperturbed, knowing his dad and all of his eccentricities at this point. While the class stood in shocked silence, Aizawa dug out gym uniforms from his bag and tossed them to the students.

"Change into these uniforms and head to the grounds."

"What about the entrance ceremony?" The brown-haired girl from earlier spoke up as she caught her uniform.

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