Part 16

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Shinso opened his eyes to a large white room, groaning as he tried to sit up, pain flaring in his back. A pair of hands helped him up, pulling gently under his arms until he was in an upright position. When he saw Todoroki sitting in the bed across from him, both arms bandaged up, and Ida standing next to him, likely being the one who helped him, he remembered the events of the internships. I need coffee...

"Shinso! Is your back feeling better? The doctors healed it as best they could, but they said you would likely be experiencing some pain in the next few days." Ida was clearly worried, with a strong undertone of guilt lying in his words. Good, he should feel guilty. Don't attack dangerous criminals, Ida. For someone who is so by-the-book, you sure can break the rules at the exact times you shouldn't.

A few popping noises could be heard as he stretched, going as far as he could until he felt the strain on his back. The pain wasn't as bad as he had initially thought, just very sore. "Yeah, I'll be fine. What about you guys? Todoroki, you looked pretty bad when you got thrown into that wall by the Nomu."

"I'm fine. There were a few cracked ribs, and a few bones in my arms were broken, but they were able to reverse the damage easily enough. I was nowhere near as bad shape as you were." Todoroki was sitting up straight, posture as perfect as ever. Shinso winced at the thought of sitting like that in his current state.

"Yeah, who knew getting stabbed hurts? Guess I can check that off my bucket list." Shinso's voice was as sarcastic as ever, a dry edge so sharp that even Todoroki would understand that he wasn't being serious.

"Why would getting stabbed be on your bucket list?"

Nevermind. At first, Shinso thought that Todoroki had to be joking; he was so clueless about when people were using sarcasm or being serious. But no, his classmate is just that oblivious. It was refreshing, in a way, but sometimes Shinso wanted to facepalm so hard.

Ida cleared his throat, his eyes finding the ground as he looked away from the two of them. Speaking somberly, he said, "I apologize for my actions. It was not very hero-like of me at all, and I should not have acted in such a manner." His gaze slid up and found Shinso's, not seeming to even be looking at him, more like some far off vision. "We-we got lucky that Izuku-sensei found us. You both could've been seriously hurt if it wasn't for him. I... I was foolish to think I could go after the hero killer myself, and I almost got not only myself but you both killed as well."

Shinso felt the cold, dead thing most usually call a heart twist a little at the sight of the self-loathing in Ida's eyes. He forgave him, but he wasn't going to forget that this incident happened. No, he was going to bring it up almost every chance he got, making sure to lament on the fact that Ida attempted murder. In fact... why don't they call themselves the murder squad? It would be adorable to see the expression on Kaminari's face when he tried to understand what they were-no. Bad Shinso.

While Shinso was having a mental battle with himself, the door swing open, revealing three figures standing just outside. The hero that Ida did his mentorship with was there, as well as Edgeshot and this... dog guy?

"Well, if it isn't the wounded warriors." Shinso huffed out a breath of air at the thick sarcasm present in Edgeshot's voice, the hero obviously not impressed with the three troublesome young students. Shinso did catch the slightest bit of relief in his mentor's voice, however, when he saw that the purple-haired boy was fine. If you ignored the extensive bandages covering his torso, that is. If he was going to use the word 'fine' without lying, he should probably come up with a different definition in the future...

"First of all, we would like to express our relief that the three of you are okay, despite your numerous injuries. Fighting the hero killer is no joke, and you need to understand that you got extremely lucky. Honestly, we're shocked that one of you isn't dead right now." The dog...whatever said. His nose was lifted, sniffing whatever lay underneath that hospital smell. "My name is Kenji Tsuragamae, and I am the chief of police in Hosu. We want to discuss your actions of last night."

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