Part 46

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Shinso flushed with embarrassment when he woke up that morning, drooling on Kaminari's shoulder. The blonde thankfully hadn't noticed him waking up, because Shinso would have killed himself if he had. He slipped away as stealthily as he could, grabbing one of the couch pillows so he wouldn't disturb Kaminari. Creeping away from his classmate, he successfully made it into the kitchen.

Oh, thank-

"Hey Shinso!"

"GAH!" Shinso yelped, jumping about a mile into the air. Whirling around, he saw that the offender in question was Mina, giggling at him. "What is wrong with you? Who does this to a person in the morning?"

"Oh, lighten up Shinso. You're fine, and you're more awake. Plus it was super funny! It was a win-win." She got a dangerous twinkle in her eyes. "So, did you sleep well? You and Kaminari were looking preeetttttyyyy cozy."

Shinso scowled. "You watched us while we slept? What the heck, Mina? And also, shut up." He made a beeline for the coffee pot while she continued to needle him with invasive questions and teases. This is why I didn't want to live in the dorms.... It was this.

"Well, fine then. I won't ask anything more." What's the catch? "But I just want to say, you two really need to stop circling around each other." She got serious. "Honestly, all it would take is one conversation with each other and you wouldn't be so awkward and fumbling."

Shinso opened and closed his mouth several times. "I... he probably doesn't even like me like that," he protested weakly. "And it's none of your business, anyway."

Mina sighed. "Fine, fine. Denial isn't only a river in Egypt."

"I'm surprised you know that."

"Dang, Shinso! You are catty in the mornings," She cackled. "Oh, here comes Iida. Look like you're not doing something nefarious!" But I'm not?

"Hello! It is remarkable to see you up so early in the morning, Shinso! I do hope you slept well?"

Mina answered for him. "Oh, I think he slept just fine." She smirked.

"That is so good to hear! I'm glad you're finally taking care of yourself with your sleep schedule. A good night's rest is imperative for performing well in the field."

Shinso thought of his dad. Well, most of the time, anyways.

He finally got a sip of the bitter delight that was coffee, drinking it greedily. It was impossible to put up with his class if he didn't have at least 50% of the blood in his body caffeinated. There was just too much energy for him to have such low energy.

The teens all came down one by one, some already completely awake and some looking like they would fall asleep as soon as they sat down. For once, Shinso wasn't in the latter category. It was a... strange feeling.

A large yawn disrupted him from the beauty that was coffee, and he turned to see Kaminari standing there with bedhead. Pink crawled its way up his neck and cheeks, and he immediately averted his eyes from the blonde.

"Hey, Kamibro! You look like you slept well," The redhead ribbed. It was even more embarrassing than when Mina did it because Kirishima didn't know that Shinso and him had spent the night snoring onto each other's shoulders. Because there was no way that Shinso didn't snore. He didn't have good enough luck for that.

Kaminari cast a quick glance towards Shinso and cleared his throat. "Uhh... yeah, I guess you could say that. In fact, I think it might have been the best night's sleep I've had in a long time."


Shinso darted his head up, staring wide-eyed at the blonde. Best night of sleep he's had in a long time? He was pretty sure he had fallen asleep first, so Kaminari had to know they fell asleep on each other. So... he knew what he was talking about. Sure enough, when Shinso met the blonde's eyes, he winked.

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